The Main Suspect

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Sayakas pov

I stood there in disbelief. Mokoto, my dear friend through all of this was laying in a pool of his own blood.

"Oh dear god" junko covered her mouth in shock, tears began to brim in her eyes.

"Is everything alright ladies" taka appeared "I heard screaming and I- wahhh!"

As soon as taka let out that screen the monitor flared to life, revealing monokuma "a body has been discovered! Please meet at the gymnasium for more information"

"So he's really dead" I fell to my knees in shock. This is all my fault!

Junko placed her hands on my shoulders "I know this is alot to take in. I'm upset too but we need to get going"

"And follow the instructions of the one who killed our friend? I think not!" Taka said firmly.

"We can ignore this you idiot!" Junko growled in frustration "we're his prisoner's remember? Or do you want to end up like mokoto"

"I-" he looked conflicted. I gently took his hand.

"I understand how you feel but for now we should probably do as he say. I'm sure mokoto wouldn't mind" I choked up. Even saying his name is hard.

"Sayaka" he looked at me pityfully before nodding "no matter what let's have each other's backs"

"Sounds like a plan" I beamed before heading down to the gymnasium.

*Time skip*


The news hit everyone just as hard as it hit me. Well almost everyone.

"Heh figures that weak boy would be the first to go" byakuya chuckled to himself.

"How could you say something like that?" Chihiro gasped "mokoto was so kind-"

"And that's exactly why he was the first to go" byakuya said coldly "mokoto neagi was a weak boy who was too soft for this game-"

I marched up to him and smacked him across the face "you keep my friends name out up your fucking mouth" I screamed.

He was in shock but quickly recovered with a glare "oh and what are you going to do about it? I do whatever I want regardless of what the rest of you think"

"You so sure about that you son of a bitch!" Mondo growled.

Before the fight could escalate any further he appeared "ok as fun as it is to watch you beat the snot out of each other we ver  a murder to solve" he passed around something called the monokuma file.

"No way" junko spoke up.

"Eh?" Monokuma looked at her in surprise.

She stepped forward "I said I'm not playing your stupid game-"

"Please don't do it!" I grabbed her wrist "it's too dangerous. Please I can't lose you too" tears brimmed in my eyes. Why does this have to be so hard?

"Sayaka" she looked at me in surprise before sighing "fine I'll do as you say"

"Ok then" monokuma coughed awkwardly  "oh and take all the time you need. After all if you get this wrong I'll punish everyone besides the blackened and trust me, your not going to like my punishment" he chuckled darkly before disappearing.

I clutched the file tightly. Everyone else dies if the blackened gose free. I didn't know that! If I did I would have never-

"Hey good job showing that snobby prick what's up" Mondo slapped me on the back "your pretty tough for a little girl"

"I wouldn't be so quick to praise her" Leon spoke up "says here mokoto was killed in her room. Makes her our most likely suspect don't you agree"

The others muttered in agreement. I was stunned. I'm being framed!

"Please I can explain-"

"Save it!" Mondo growled "we got a crime scene to investigate" with that everyone left, everyone except Leon.

"Why are doing this to me!" I screamed in his face.

"Because you tried to kill me" he leaned in and whispered in my ear "so it's only right that you take the fall. I'm sure as hell not dying here" with that he walked away, leaving me feeling numb and helpless...

what if Leon went into the wrong room? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now