the final trail

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Sayakas pov

This is it. One last trail and it's all over. I have to go all out and bring this horrid mastermind to his knees!

"So what exactly is this?" Hina asked "I've been investigating but I have no idea what exactly I'm looking for!"

"We're redoing our previous trail" I explained "we're going to identify the body and reveal the mastermind"

"That sounds like a plan" taka grinned "so how exactly are we going to identify the body?"

"Yeah they were charred to bits" jill let out a sick laugh.

"Didn't we all agree that the body was the hidden student mukuro?" Hiro tilted his head in confusion.

"No" mukuro stepped forward "because I am mukuro"


"We can discuss that later" taka said firmly "we have to identify this body or we won't get anywhere!"

"There is one thing that could help" mukuro pulled out the monokuma file "it says here that the body sustained a large scar on the abdomen"

"Large scar on the abdomen" that sounded so fermillier. I got a flash of mokotos body and it became all too clear.

"No.. that's so sick" I covered my mouth as tears pricked my eyes.

"What's wrong sayaka" hina asked worriedly.

"That star. It matches mokotos perfectly" I clutched the rails shakily. I felt sick.

"Your saying that the mastermind took mokotos lifeless body and rigged it" taka turned pale.

"That's horrible" hina covered her mouth in shock.

"You sick bastard" Mukuro shook in anger "I'm going to kill you!"

"Wait!" I placed a hand on her shoulder "it's fine. She'll get her comeuppance. Won't you junko enoshima!"

Monokuma reeled back in shock. Seems like I struck a nerve.

"How did you figure it out" mukuro muttered in disbelief.

"Well it was simple once I got my hands on the photos linked to our school memories" I smiled bashfully.

"I still can't believe we all went to school together" hina shook her head sadly.

"Anyway I noticed that Junko's face was covered in each photo. I thought it was strange until I realised they were covering their face cause they look different from you, the one who was impersonating her. Why would they care unless they were the mastermind"

"Impressive. We'll make a detective out of you yet" mukuro smirked.

Monokuma froze. I pointed to him with a glare.

"Enough hiding junko. Show your face already!"

White smoke appeared around the bear and a wide grin appeared from the shadows...

what if Leon went into the wrong room? (danganrompa what if series) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ