The Neo World Program

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Sayakas pov

I wiped the sweat off my brow as a red light flashed on the screen. Over and over it said virus detected. But that should have been impossible.

Mukuros plan was a simple one. Place the remnants in a therapy device known as the neo world programme and give them a series of tasks in order to rewire their real personalities back. It was the last project chihiro worked on so it made sense to use it. Like we were honoring his memory but now it's malfunctioning and I'm worried we've placed them in danger!

"Sayaka you're going to want to see this" taka ushered me over to the camera room we created to monitor their avatars. What I saw shook me to my core.

It was monokuma!

I turned to them urgently "We have to get them out of there"

"Trying to but nothing seems to be working" mukuro muttered "I could bring them out forcefully but I don't know how it will affect their minds"

"Then we can't risk it" I bit my nails anxiously. Monokuma being here isn't good. What if he puts them through another killing game!

"Sayaka" mukuro placed her hand on my shoulder "it'll be ok. We'll save them"

"You're right, getting all panicky isn't going to help anything" I took a deep breath "let's keep trying to get them out or at least get rid of the virus. Our main priority is protecting them"

They nodded and got back to work. I leaned against the wall with a sigh. I'm never going to escape that damn bear!

what if Leon went into the wrong room? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now