A New Will To Fight

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Sayakas pov

"It was me... I killed sakura"

This trail was one twist after another. First we caught hiro out on a lie and discovered he hit sakura over the head with a glass bottle. Then after looking again we discovered toko hiding in the locker and that her other half genocide Jill also hit her over the head with a bottle. Taka was the only one clean, apparently he was too angry to see her. When it seems like we had two suspects to choose from a third suspect appeared but is it really true? To think that after all they've been through that Hina would kill her in cold blood...

"I'm not convinced" kyoko spoke up, her steely eyes set on hina.

"What are you talking about?" Hina growled "I confessed to everything didn't I?"

"I know but I'm not convinced" she said firmly.

"Neither am I" I stepped in "hina I know you. You wouldn't have done something like this"

"Oh yeah well if you're so sure then how about you prove it!" She glared at me.

"Oh, well-" I paused. I didn't think this though. How do I prove something like that.

"Allow me" without warning kyoko downed the protein drink. The same drink that killed sakura.

"Stop!" I called out to her in fear but she was smiling.

"It seems my hypothesis was right. This drink wasn't poisoned"

"Are you crazy! You could have been killed!" Taka scolded her.

"For some mysteries one must put their life on the line" she smiled mysteriously. Just who is this girl? "Besides this proves one very important thing. Sakura didn't drink the poison from the protein drink. My guess is that she drank it straight from the glass bottle"

"The glass bottle" hiro gasped "but that would mean-"

"S-suicide" toko whispered.

We all turned to Hina. She was trembling with tears in her eyes "no no you're wrong! I have to pay for what I've done. I killed sakura! I killed sakura!"

"No you didn't!" I rushed over and hugged her "let's put an end to this now"

"Hic ahaaa" she sobbed onto my shoulder. I nodded to the others as the voting panels rose. It's time to end this.

*Time skip*

We sat in stunned silence as monokuma finished reading sakuras real suicide note. She gave up so much for us and we didn't even get to thank her. It's so cruel.

"Sakura gave her life to us and I did was condemn her. I feel so ashamed" taka looked away.

"You were angry taka. I'm sure sakura understood" mukuro patted his shoulder kindly.

"And yet it was all for nothing" monokuma laughed cruelly "you should hate her. Hate her more than ever!"

"Absolutely not!" I stepped forward "you claim it was all for nothing but look at us! We're united because of sakura's sacrifice"

"There's no way I could hate orge" hiro chimed in "it's thanks to her that I feel more motivated than ever to leave!" The others muttered in agreement.

"Well that's not the response I was expecting. How annoying" monokuma grumbled "oh well I guess I can let you have this little taste of victory. It will only make your despair all the more delightful"

And so he left, leaving us to grieve our friend and a will to fight!

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