Alter Ego

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Sayakas pov

I headed into the dining hall after laying taka down to rest. After the day I had I could really use some lunch. I walked in to see everyone surrounding Hina.

"When you said you had a stomach ache that was a lie wasn't it" Celeste smirked. That girl just seemed to get a kick out of other people's misery!

"Hina please just be honest" sakura said gently.

Hina sighed "even if I told you, you wouldn't believe me"

"Try us" mukuro folded her arms.

She took a deep breath "I saw a ghost"

"A g-g-ghost!" Hiro yelped.

"Impossible. They simply don't exist" Celeste said simply.

"See! I told you that you don't believe me!" Hina stood up angrily.

"If you say you saw a ghost then I believe you" sakura placed a hand on her friend's shoulder "now please show us where you saw this ghost"

*Time skip*

"It was right here" she pointed to the locker. Mukuro took a step forward and opened it, revealing..

"A laptop?" Hifumi tilted his head.

"Please don't tell me this is what you thought was a ghost" Celeste groaned.

Hina stayed silent.

"I'm surprised you can dress yourself" she sighed.

"Ok ok you don't have to be mean" she hung her head in shame.

Kyoko stepped forward and turned the laptop on, revealing a very fermillier face.


"Hello I'm alter ego. It's very nice to meet you" he smiled sweetly. That smile was so like chihiro. It hurts.

Kyoko leaned forward and typed 'I'm kyoko what's your reason for being here?'

"Master placed me here while I decoded all the files on hopes peak" he explained.

"Smart. The computer can keep working even when his master is no longer alive" Celeste smirked.

"Chihiro was always thinking of others" I muttered sadly.

"Speaking of master where is he?" Alter ego looked around eagerly.

We all looked at each other hesitantly. Kyoko was the only one brave enough to step forward and type 'he's dead. Mondo killed him"

"Oh" tears appeared in his eyes "I knew the chances of master surviving were low but still. Poor master"

There was something about his pain that sounded so human. We couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

It seems despite losing two friends we ended up with a new ally...

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