Lunch Together

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Sayakas pov

"Isn't it nice to have lunch together with friends" I said brightly. Taka and mukuro grunted in response. Let's just say the atmosphere has been less than welcoming since we got here!

"Jeez you could cut this tension with a knife" sayori whispered to me "what exactly happened between these two?"

"A lot happened in the killing game and mukuro may have had some involvement in what happened" I explained "taka hasn't been able to forgive her"

"I know the feeling" sayori sighed "maybe we shouldn't get involved sayaka and just let them sort it out themselves"

"But they won't!" I insisted "they're both too reserved for talking. I have no choice but to get involved"

"I don't see any point in staying here any longer" taka stood up "thanks for inviting me sayaka but I think I'll take off early"

"Wait!" Mukuro stood up "sayaka went through a lot of trouble for us. You can't just abandon it now!"

"Oh you'd know a lot about abandoning your friends wouldn't you!" He slammed his fist down angrily.

"Are you really bringing this up now?"

"Your damn right I am"

"Guys can we please just cool it" as I was in the middle of breaking up their fight the screen flared to life, revealing a man with long brown hair and red eyes.

"Greetings" he said in a monotone voice "I am izuru Kamakura. I was never truly that interested in the future foundation but your involvement in the towa city incident has peaked my interest. So I've decided to challenge you. My remnants of despair against your future foundation members. Hope or despair, who will win out in the end? I don't really care as long as it's entertaining" he smirked before the screen cut to black.

"So it's finally happened" kyosuki stood up "the remnants of despair have declared war on us"

"What are we going to do?" A small boy with bags under his eyes asked, panicky.

"Well we have tracked down two bases run by remnants" chisa pulled out a map "it's not much but it's a start"

"Hmm" I inspected the map "well me and hina can take this section over here" I pointed to the smaller building "and taka and mukuro can handle the other building"

"What!?" I grinned at their expressions. This is the perfect opportunity for them to bond!

"I have no problems with that. Just make sure you bring them back alive" kyosuki said firmly.

"Yes sir" I nodded before turning to mukuro "you'll thank me later"

"Unlikely" she glared at me.

"Hey" sayori tapped my shoulder "just be careful ok? This isn't like the kids. These guys are much worse!"

"I promise to be extra careful" I gave her a conferting smile. I guess I'm back to life risking adventure!

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