Future Fondation

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Sayakas pov

Light poured in from the empty school but the sight we were greeted with was less than inviting. Broken building, fire coating the pavement and an alarming lack of people.

"I can see why we locked ourselves in this school" I laughed shakily.

"Well no point in waiting around" taka clapped me on the back "let's go"

I nodded greatfully at him before stepping out with the others. As soon as I did we were greeted by three men in black suits.

We watched them cautiously. One of the men took a step forward "are you the surviving ultimates?

"Yes" Hina stepped forward "are you here to save us?"

"Indeed we are" the man nodded "don't worry kids. You're safe now"

"Please come with us before the gangs appear" the other man opened the helicopter door for us.

Hina and hiro headed over without a second thought. Me,toko,taka and mukuro held back suspiciously.

"S-should we really be h-heading in a helicopter with s-strange men we never s-seen before" toko said cautiously.

"I don't think we have a choice. I don't like the sound of those gangs they mentioned" taka muttered.

"I agree. Those gangs aren't to be messed with" mukuro nodded. Taka narrowed his eyes at her. I guess they still haven't made up.

We headed into the helicopter and they took off. I looked down at the world below me. I wonder if my father is down there or any of my friends. I guess I can't really think of that right now.

We landed on a building where a ginger haired woman waiting for us.

"Welcome kids" she smiled brightly as we exited the helicopter "welcome to future foundation. Your new home"

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