The Choice

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Komarus pov

We rushed down to the final room. We've learnt things about the children that we didn't like but that won't stop us! We're ending this nightmare now!

We burst through the door and gasped "you're standing!"

"Oh look at that I am" she giggled into her hands "oh it feels so good to stand again! That wheelchair is good for gaining sympathy but terrible for monacas posture!"

"I can't believe you would lie about something like that" sayaka shook her head in disbelief.

"Of course you can't" her voice was earrily calm "you've never had to lie to make life easier. Warm food, loving families, stability monaca never had any of that"

"Oh cry me a fucking river" takamichi pointed his weapon at her angrily "like I'm going to feel sorry for someone who committed mass fucking murder!"

"Michi buddy maybe let's not point sharp weapons at children" yuta tried to calm him down.

"Don't be fooled by her appearance. That thing is no child" the leader of the rebellion appeared "why don't you tell them what you've done"

"Hmm other than manipulating monacas friends, brainwashing other children and killing our parents? Monacas done so many things it's hard to know what big bros talking about" she placed her hand on her cheek in thought.

"You know what you did you little brat now fess up!" He grabbed her roughly by the hair.

"Gah alright alright you can have the remote! Just stop pulling Monaca's hair!" She tossed the remote to komaru.

"This should release the children from the brainwashing" komaru was about to press the button when-

"Stop!" Toko put her hand out "it's t-too easy. W-what dose that button a-actually do?"

"Monacas so glad you asked" she stood up proudly "that button will set off a bomb inside the helmets, killing the children instantly"

"How could you do such a thing" I covered my mouth in shock.

"Cause the death of so many children will surely start a war. Can you imagine the amount of despair it would bring? Surely enough to last decades!" there was a mad glint in her eye. She wasn't like the other children at all!

"I won't do it!" I said firmly.

"Are you crazy!" Haji glared at me "these monsters have killed countless innocence. Don't you want revenge!?"

"Not at the cost of brainwashed children's lives!" I said firmly "I won't do it!"

"Hmm. Monaca thinks she can convince you" two children came out with a wide screen tv and what was on it shook me to my core "mom? Dad?"

"They made wonderful sounds for monaca. Right until their dying breath" she smirked cruelly.

"You sick bitch!" Takamichi had to be held back by yuta and sayaka. As for me one dark thought entered my mind. Everyone I love is dead. Who cares what happens to them. I lifted the remote over my head to smash it when...

"Stop!" Toko caught the remote! "I c-cant let you m-make a m-mistake you'll r-regreat"

"You stupid bitch" haji kicked her in the ribs "give me that remo-" he was cut off by takamichi kicking him in the ribs.

"Only complete scum raises their hand to the woman" takamichi pointed his bat at him "touch her again and I'll give you a second broken arm!"

"And I'll give you a busted face to match!" Yuta grinned.

I picked up the remote as dark thoughts swirled in my mind. I was brought back by sayaka placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Komaru this isn't you" she said firmly "you don't want to hurt anyone"

"Yeah and look where that got me!" I yelled "my family's dead sayaka! What's the point of being nice when you have nothing!"

"But you don't have nothing. Komaru you have so many friends willing to fight for you" she gave me a comforting smile "you're so much like your brother. I know you'll do the right thing" she stepped away.

I let out a choked sob as I handed her the remote.

what if Leon went into the wrong room? (danganrompa what if series) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz