Surviving Friends

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Sayakas pov

We sat in silence as our breakfast grew cold. Last night we lost three people. That wasn't something we could recover from easily.

"Taka are you ok?" Hina was the first to speak "it must have been terrible being accused of murder"

"I'm fine Hina, thank you for asking" taka smiled softly. At least he's back to normal.

"Hey what about me!" Hiro yelled "I was accused of murder too!"

"Oh yeah. Sorry hiro" hina looked to the side guiltily.

"Seriously it was enough to make me cry" hiro slumped to his seat "why me of all people!"

"Probably because you're too stupid to defend yourself in a logical way" mukuro said bluntly.

"Hey that was harsh!" Hiro teared up.

"Harsh but true" sakura said sternly "if it wasn't for kyoko and sayaka we all would have bit the bullet last night"

"But you're alive and we're very happy about that" hina patted his back kindly.

"Yeah you're right Hina. There's no time to be upset, cause I had a vision" he stood up proudly.

"Ohh what kind of vision" hinas eyes sparkled with joy.

"I don't know if I believe in those things" I sighed. Clervoance just seemed like silly nonsense to me!

"Well you better believe sister!" He pointed to me "Cause it's real and it's beautiful!"

"J-just get out with it" toko spoke for the first time since last night. She needs good news more than anyone.

"Ok ok" hiro pouted. Isn't he supposed to be a grown man!? "I had a vision that there'd be no more murders"

"And you really believe that" I was sceptical but also hopefully. I didn't want to go through this pain ever again.

"Well I got a thirty percent chance of being right and I won't kill" hiro grinned.

"Neither will I" kyoko said firmly.

"Nor will I" sakura nodded.

"I would never hurt anyone like that" hina shook her head.

"Surviving isn't worth taking another life. That's what my father taught me" taka smiled softly.

"I agree with that notion" mukuro nodded.

"And I of course won't kill. Trust me I've learnt my lesson" I said firmly.

"Whatever" toko muttered.

We put our hands together in a circle. For the first time since we got here we felt truly united.

"Ok gang let's explore the fourth floor together!"

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