Don't Give Up!

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Smoke cleared from the area revealing a girl who looked a lot like mukuro except with blonde pigtails and blue eyes. I don't get it. Why do they look so similar-

"Hello dear classmates and a special hello to my traitorous sister" she smirked menacingly.

"Sister!?" We said in unison.

She nodded "junkos my twin sister"

"You never cease to surprise me" I shook my head fondly "at least now I know why you were willing to be junkos spy"

"Junkos spy!?" Hina gasped.

"Things are finally starting to make sense. I always thought there was something off about you" taka glared at her.

"Aww all your fwends are turning against you" she suddenly turned all cutesy " well I did tell you it would happen. Not my fault you were too stupid to listen! Well enough about my pathetic sister. Let's talk about you guys"

"What about us?" Hiro asked.

"Didn't you wonder why your memories were wiped? Why you're locked up in hopes peak? Why no one has come to rescue you" each of her questions sent a shiver of dread down my spine.

"Mukuro what is she talking about?" I turned to mukuro fearfully.

She sighed "the truth is the world ended one year ago"

"No t-that can't be true" hina shook her head "I won't believe it!"

"I don't trust the word of an admitted traitor" taka growled "so how about we ask Jill? After all toko and jill don't share memories"

"You trust a serial killer over mukuro?" Hiro raised an eyebrow.

"At least the serial killers been honest about the atrocities they've committed! How do you expect me to trust someone who's lied to us time and time again?" He said gruffly "toko if you please"

"F-fine but don't expect this to b-be a regular thing" she grumbled before tickling her nose "achoo!" One sneeze and she was back!

"Where am I? And who the heck is that!" She pointed to junko.

"Oh hi. I'm the mastermind" junko mumbled depressingly.

"Oh nice to meet ya" jill gave a polite smile.

"Focus Jill" taka demanded "junko says the world has ended. We need to know if there's any truth to that"

"Ah the tragedy. Ah such beautiful gorey times" she gushed "it even made this murderous feind go pale!"

"So it's true" takas shoulder's slumped.

"All our loved ones are probably dead" Hina held back a sob.

"We'd probably all die if we tried to leave" hiro looked away. Mukuro and Jill watched in silence.

"Ah those faces filled with despair. This is what I was looking forward to" junko gave us a sick grin "wait! I just got hit with a major inspiration bomb! I'll keep you all here where it's safe and in return you'll vote for sayaka for a final execution!"

"Why me!" I gasped.

"Because I'm mad at you! Plus it will really hurt mukuro" she giggled.

"Well that's fine because no one wants to stay in this horrid place right guys!" They didn't say anything. Their eyes were dark "guys?"

"Aww what a shame. Guess I win!" Junko bounced around giddily.

I hung my head. Is this really the end?

"Don't give up" my head shot up. I swore I could hear his voice "we haven't lost yet. We just have to remind them of the hope that still resides in their hearts"

I nodded. He's right. I've come too far to give up now "thanks mokoto" I whispered before turning to the others "we can't give up on a life outside"

"Sure we can" hiro shook his head "there's nothing left for us out there"

"You don't know that" I said firmly "hiro you wanted to leave here more than anyone. Are you really going to give up on that?"

"Heck no!" Hiro yelled "I'm done with being haunted. I'm getting out of this place!"

"But our family. They're all dead" hina teared up.

"You don't know that" I gave her a gentle smile "hina your little brother could still be out there. Could you really forgive yourself if you turned your back on him?"

"Of course not!" She said firmly "I have to protect yuta! Plus I owe it to sakura to live my life to the fullest"

"Civilization has crumbled. Do you really think we can put the pieces back together?" Taka looked uncertain.

"If anyone can do it we can" I said confidently "you said you wanted to change things for the better. I'd say now's as good a time as any"

"You make a convincing argument" taka chuckled "alright I'm in"

"Jill I-"

"No need to try and convince me. I'll just go with the option that seems most fun" she grinned.

"Of course" I smiled nervously. Finally I turned to mukuro "I know this is hard for you mukuro but I need you on my side"

She hugged herself vulnerably "sacrificing you or sacrificing my sister. I don't know if I can make that choice"

"You're right. That's a tough one but I know you'll make the right choice" I smiled at her.

"I think I just did" she stood up straight, tears shining in her eyes "I chose.. to fight alongside the others"

"No" junko trembled "my plan. All this disgusting hope. I can't-noooooo!"

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