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Sayakas pov

"Sayaka...hey you ok there?"

I came to my senses to find junko standing in front of me.

"You're still here?" I muttered in disbelief.

"That's what I should be saying" she placed her hands on her hips "come on! You want to avenge your friend don't you?"

"You believe me?" I gasped.

"You'd have to be a damn convincing actor to pull that off" she chuckled.

I couldn't control myself. I rushed over and hugged her "thank you" I whispered. She stiffened up but hugged me back "ok I'm feeling better now" I wiped my tears away with a smile "let's go find some clues!"

*Time skip*

"Ah there you are" byakuya greeted us with a cold smirk "you put on such a convincing act back there. I almost fell for it"

"What are you talking about" I looked at him nervously.

"I'm talking about your cold blooded murder of course" he grinned "defending the one you murder. It's so pathetic I could almost laugh but perhaps I'll save that for the class trail"

"Someone doesn't take rejection well" junko smirked.

"Stay out of this you" he growled.

"Make me" she took a step forward. There was something scary about her aura. Like she was something more than a fashionista.

Byakuya averted his eyes with a huff "whatever. I have better things to do than waste my time on the two of you. Good day!" He stormed off.

"Thanks" I smiled softly.

"Anytime" she winked at me before leading me inside.

Inside mokotos room guarding the door was mondo and sakura.

"Can we help you?" Mondo growled.

"I'm here to investigate. Is that alright?" I said, a little intimidated by the two strongest people in school staring me down.

"Tch fine but I'm watching you" mondo turned away.

"Sakura do you also think I killed him" I looked at her pleadingly.

She sighed "I don't know what to think. Your actions thus far have troubled me"

"Oh" I guess I can't blame her for that.

"If they don't believe us then we'll make them believe us with cold hard evidence" junko smiled encouragingly.

"Thanks junko. You're a good friend" I smiled back before turning back to my dead friend determinedly "I'm going to avenge you mokoto. I promise"

"That's the spirit" she grinned as I took a shaky step towards mokotos body.

He lay face down in a pool of his own blood. His jacket and hoodie were drenched in blood. Every bit of life he once had was gone.

"It says here he was killed with a single stab to the chest" junko read through the file.

A weapon? But leon should have come unarmed. I gently moved his body and gasped.

In his chest sat the golden samerai sword.

"You should take it with you mokoto. You never know when you need protection"

I cupped my hand over my mouth in shock. No. What have I done!

"Hey what's this" junko pointed to a message written in blood "11307. What could that mean?"

"What indeed" we spun around to see kyoko studying the floor. She stood up suddenly "sayaka are you a neat freak?"

"Not particularly no" I tilted my head in confusion.

"I see. Most interesting" she looked away thoughtfully. I can't get a read on her!

"If it's codes we're looking for we should probably check with chihiro" junko spoke up "That's her level of expertise"

"Good idea" I nodded "to chihiro we go!"

*Time skip*

"Hmm these numbers don't make any sense to me" chihiro sighed "sorry I'm so useless"

"Don't say that. Well solve this mystery together, just you watch!" I said encouragingly.

"Right. Even if I do feel useless I have to do my best for mokotos sake" chihiro said determedly.

"You have quite the way with people" junko smirked.

"Well it kinda comes with the job" I giggled. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted taka "hey taka"

He gulped nervously "good day sayaka"

"Oh no. You think I did it too don't you" I looked away sadly. Everything feels so hopeless.

He looked at his boots guiltily "I want to believe you. You and mokoto were so close. I don't want to think you could have-" he stopped.

"I understand" I sighed "I'm not innocent in this"

"Don't say that! You're making me nervous!" He yelled "listen, if you are innocent and that's a big if! I do have a way to help clear your name" he dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out some keys "they're keys to the incinerator. If the blackened were to dispose of evidence it would be in there"

"Oh taka thank you" I pulled him into a hug. He stiffened up like a board. Jeez these guys really aren't used to hugs.

"I'll be coming to watch you. I won't have you disposing any evidence on my watch" he said firmly.

"Aww taka you're a gem" I grinned.

"T-thank you" he muttered with a slight blush. Not used to compliments either I see!

"Junko are you coming?"

"Nah I'll hang back. I'm not made for the digging through trash lifestyle" junko smiled.

"Ok see ya later" I followed taka down to the incinerator. Now I'll finally find something to pin that weasle down!

what if Leon went into the wrong room? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now