Chapter 17

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Now it's on to the sequel, About me and my friend

Both our parents were evil, So we both made a bet

Amari stood on the entrance of the street.

She had been given a choice. A choice of all things- something she never had before and now that she did, she did not know what to do with it. Lady Ria had given her grace of time, understanding of how difficult the change could be for someone who has been restricted their entire life. What to eat first? Where to go? What to do? There were so many possibilities that it was honestly overwhelming.

The Dusk Court or rather the Forgotten Court, was beautiful. Somehow, it called her toward it more than Night ever had. Maybe it was because she had never truly seen High Lord Rhysand as her lord- he was always so removed and cold, with his rumoured wings hidden. Ria on the other hand had always worn them whenever she had visited the camps, long after the first War and the Blood Rite in which the three infamous brothers had won the title of Carynthian. Lady Ria was the true icon for all those who dreamt in Illyria- a powerful force of strength, resilience, patience and calm. And now, Amari had been given a choice to stay here, with her. Or, she could go back to what once was her home before the males came for her with shears for her wings.

As a High Lady, no one comes before my court. But, as a female, no one and nothing comes before my loyalty. Loyalty to self.

Ria had said that to her before parting and giving her space and time to think. It had been a week since. Kayden was supposed to meet her here soon, awaiting an answer. In these past seven days, she had been given the freedom to roam the main city, to ask any questions she liked to Kali to satisfy her curiosity and was allowed access to hot meals. Basic necessities were privilege for Fae like her.

She saw him winnow a few feet away from her. His eyes were kind- so different from the other males she had encountered in her life, save a handful. "Good morning," he said to her. She nodded, "it is indeed." He smiled at that.

"Would you like to visit someplace or tell me your decision now?" He was straightforward too when it came down to it.

Amari gulped. "I feel this pull here, as if everything is alright in the world now. I have no family to mourn me, and I have suffered enough. I deserve better." Kayden nodded. Amari squared her shoulders, lifting her chin to look at him. "I will stay here."

It had been quite a few years since she had come to Dusk. She had not regretted it since. In fact, she was ever grateful to the higher powers and the Mother for letting her in this beautiful court and its people who had become her close friends.

Kayden. Aria. Kali.

And Ria. It had taken months of pestering after she had first gone out with them four for her to drop the title of Lady when addressing her grace. She still smiled at the memory of the approval Ria had given when she had first called her more as a friend than her future High Lady.

That was another thing too- Amari had forgone the Night Court as her home, swearing herself to the Dusk mere months ago. It had been a good day- she had breathed so much easier since. Dusk felt like home.

At present, she walked the border with the other guards. They had all taken a liking to her even though she was an outsider. Her wings shuffled behind her as cool wings grazed its innermost area.

"Want some lasagne? My partner made it today with our little trouble." One of the guards asked her. She chuckled, "your kid is a welcome trouble though," and the guard nodded, smiling. "The offer will only last so long," they said again. Amari shook her head, "no, thank you. I had a heavy lunch before coming." They shrugged, "suit yourself."

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