Chapter Six: A Date?

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Charles' PoV:

What did you just walk in on? Neither of them are talking- Your sister is staring at the floor and Pierre can't wipe a stupid grin off of his face.

Charles: So?

As if she flipped a switch y/n looks up at you. She grabs her bag and fidgets around with her free hand.

y/n: No reason... It was stupid anyways!

Pierre awkwardly glances at her.

Charles: You're telling my I heard you bickering from miles away for no reason at all!?

Pierre: Mate... I just wound her up a little about not managing to find a job or an internship on her own... That's all.

She looks at him and exaggerates an embarrassed facial expression - She actively nods and then shrugs her shoulders.

y/n: Yup... So I told him to quit it...

You look back and forth between the two.

Charles: Aha... *You sigh* If you say so.

She steps towards the door way, practically maximising the space between Pierre and herself. Her attention then turns to you.

y/n: I suppose you're here to pick me up?

Charles: Yea... I am. We have dinner reservations - Mom asked me to take you under my wing for a few weeks. So you are joining me with some friends for dinner.

You turn to Pierre.

Charles: You're welcome too!

Both of them stare at you.

y/n: A few weeks?

Pierre: No! I wouldn't wanna impose, and anyways-

They both speak at the same time. You look at y/n first, reply to her, and then you answer your best friend.

Charles: Yea a few weeks, I won't leave you alone in foreign places- I have to take care of you, you're my responsibility- *You look at Pierre* and you wouldn't impose... We are four or so anyways, the more the merrier...

Both of them shake their heads simultaneously; What the fuck is up with these two.

Y/n's PoV:

Charles gives you a stern glance; It's the end of the discussion for him.

y/n: Days fine, but weeks? No.

Charles: Stop it. *He then turns to Pierre* Please come to dinner and protect me from her madness.

He interlocks the fingers on both his hands as if he were to pray, and he dramatically acts out a plead for Pierre. He in return laughs.

Pierre: I have a date... So I can't. Gotta fend off the crazy for yourself...

You stare right at him. A date? And crazy? Is he serious?

Charles: Oh right you told me this morning. Which one was it?

You exhale in a disgusted manner - Both of them look at you. How does Pierre come in here, touch you the way he does, telling you not to indulge Lando, then to announce he's got a date - What the actual fuck. And then the 'which one'? You scoff.

y/n: Which one? Ohh damn... That's so classy.

Pierre: Shut up. The blonde one from the bar...

y/n: The blonde one... Does she have a name? Or is she only the blonde one to you? *You scoff again.*

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now