Chapter Sixty-One: Games, and Who's Willing to Play Them

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y/n's PoV:

You look over the rim of the drink he just got you, as you carefully watch her place her hand on his thigh. He glances at you - Oh you're watching Pierre, don't worry.

She laughs obnoxiously at a thing he said, and Carlos starts paying attention to them too. He gives her a flirty smile, before she moves closer towards him. He places his phone onto his lap, so that she can scooch closer. You exhale slowly, as he playfully laughs.

Two can play this game. You'll play differently though. It's easy getting his attention.

You sling back your Manhattan at an ungodly speed, before you pull your phone out of your purse. You ask Effie to watch it.

Effie: Yeah no problem, where are you headed?

y/n: The restroom...

Effie nods: Do you want me to come?

You shake your head politely, saying it's okay and that she should stay with the others. You get up, walking away from everyone, which sparks Pierre's interest. You glance over your shoulder, as you see him watch you walk away.

You go to the bar, getting yourself another drink - Also chugging this one down - Before you head into the ladies room. One of the stalls is free. You pull down your dress a bit, exposing your bra. You open up Instagram, you find his account, and you DM him a "open once" picture of yourself.

It doesn't take long before he opens the spicy picture.

Pierre: Yes? 👀You've got my attention...

y/n: So this is what we're doin now? Flirtin with taken girls cuz I didn't kiss you in public?

Pierre: You started this game y/n, you should've kissed me.

You roll your eyes - You pull your dress up again. Games are fun sometimes, but this right now is petty and you don't even know why he flirted with her... Payback for not kissing him isn't a good reason. He's getting drunk, and now he's doing dumb shit.

y/n: Nah, you know what, enjoy your game, have fun with Alejandra.

You're not interested in playing anymore. You pee while you're in a stall already. When you walk out of the bathroom, Laura and Max are sloppily making out to the side of the bathrooms. You chuckle as you pass by.

It must be nice to just be able to kiss your guy whenever you want to - Of course you wanted to kiss Pierre before, of course you did, you're a sucker for his lips...

But the risk wasn't worth the reward. All it takes is another person seeing, or finding out, other than Max, who will actually go to Charles and tell him.

You already had to swallow your pride and your anger once tonight for the good of the relationship, and you intend on letting the bet thing go - If you tell him you're over it, you might as well actually be - But you're not ready to stumble into the next atomic war with Char, just because Pierre was drunk and wanted a kiss. That would be pure insanity.

Gasly might not care anymore, but you still do.

You head back to the dance floor; You'll have fun on your own then. The alcohol level is just right anyways, the music is good and you need to just forget about this stupid thing with Pierre. You won't let him annoy or upset you.

Pierre's PoV:

You're leaning against the bannister that surrounds the elevated platform. You unlock your phone again to look at her last message:

y/n: Nah, you know what, enjoy your game, have fun with Alejandra.

The moment she sent that, you created distance between Carlos' girl and you; If she's not into the game, you don't want it. You swallow down another gulp of your Gin and Tonic. The buzz has finally reached your brain.

You watch her in the dead-center of the entire crowd; You're genuinely convinced the entire world does revolve around her sometimes. She lifts her arms over her head, as she sways to the music. Fuck. You feel like a bloody watchdog, ensuring her safety from up here.

Charles joins you again. He mirrors your leaning position; He spots her in the crowd.

Charles chuckles: How much did she have to drink?

Pierre shrugs: I don't know man.

Of course you know:

Half a bottle of Champagne with you - Of which you encouraged her to drink more than half, so more than that.

Seven or eight rounds of shots with the girls.

A random glass of wine in between dances.

A Manhattan.

A Sip of your strong Gin and Tonic.

Whisky neat, or something of the heavier liquor sorts, since it was in one of those crystal glasses.

Charles concerned: She looks spaced out.

She's had enough. That's probably why.

Pierre sighs: She's okay Charles, she's just enjoying herself.

If she wasn't okay, you wouldn't let her be down there on her own.

Charles sighs: I'm not sure of it man. I think it's time for me to take her home.

Pierre: You think she'll leave without a fight?

Charles nods: She will.

Pierre: I'm coming with you then - I've had enough to be honest.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now