Chapter Seventy-Four: Pass

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y/n's PoV:

A couple of days later - 07:30

The alarm on your phone goes off - You sigh heavily, as Pierre pulls you closer to his chest, refusing to let you get up. You wrap your arms around his neck, softly pressing kisses against his lips.

y/n whispers: You have to let me get up Baby...

Pierre chuckles: Nope... And I won't...

A big smile spreads across your face; He buries his face in your hair, while tightly holding onto you.

Pierre quietly: Why do you need to get up?

y/n sighs: Charles' unnecessary Doctor's appointment...

Pierre yawns: Ahh... I forgot that it was today-

His beard rubs against your cheek.

Pierre quietly: Is it a normal Doctor or...?

y/n: OBGYN I think.

Pierre nods: Fair enough... I guess that makes sense for what he wants you to check.

His warm hands run up and down your back. You nuzzle up against him.

y/n: It's stupid.

Pierre chuckles: Maybe... But it might also be good, you know?

You lift your head slightly to meet his eyes.

y/n: What do you mean?

Pierre: You felt ill a couple of days ago, right?

You simply nod.

Pierre softly: So maybe it's good if someone just checks up on you.

y/n sighs: Hmm... Yeah, maybe.


You leave Pierre behind in your room, allowing him to get a little more sleep, while you make your way out of the hotel. Charles is already sitting in his car waiting for you.

It's been incredibly tense for the last few days, and except for running into him at work, you haven't really seen, talked or responded to him in any way. You only agreed to this dumb appointment to give him some peace of mind.

You suppose he thought you'd react in some way to him punching Pierre, but you had no desire to. It was childish - Both of them were - So you refused to even acknowledge it. Sure the media and the press spun their tales, and pictures of Pierre and you were leaked, but you decided to not care.

Okay... You do care. A lot... But what should you do? You're already stressed the fuck out, you're already fighting with your Mom and your big brother... There's technically no point in letting it push you off the cliff any further than all of this already has - This was simply out of your control, so you chose to let it go.

Charles had left you a note on your desk two days ago, telling you when and where he would pick you up for the appointment. He literally didn't even give you an option to meet him there... Well you could've told him you'll meet him there, but that would've required acting like an adult, talking to him and finding out where this Doctor's office is... So that was a pass.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now