Chapter Seventy-Nine: Errand-Boy

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Charles' PoV:

You hear him sigh on the other end.

Lorenzo: Hello to you too, Char.

Charles: Sorry - Hey, how are you?

Lorenzo: I'm alright, but the two of you are pulling everyone else down, you know that right? Mom is pissed because of y/n, Arthur is just confused by all of it, since no one has actually filled him in on this, and I'm just torn between the two of you.

Charles: You are?

Lorenzo: Yeah. I told her she's not in the wrong though.

Charles confused: You did what? Why?

Lorenzo: She's young and she's into some guy Char. As long as he treats her well, and as long as she's happy, it's alright.

Charles: He's my best mate though?

Lorenzo: So what? And now he's her boyfriend too. Wouldn't that be ideal? He can hang out with the both of you at the same time... You could just accept it, and stop being so stubborn-

Charles sighs: How am I the stubborn one? She lied, she hid it, and now she's ignoring me.

Lorenzo: Yeah, so she messed up, but she said she would apologise.

Charles sighs: I mean, I guess she did today, but it doesn't make this any better!?

Lorenzo chuckles: Dude, what do you want her to do? To break up with him, and to be unhappy?

Charles: Yeah.

Lorenzo: Are you being serious right now? You'd rather be the reason why she's crying and unhappy, instead of sucking it up? Maybe they'll only last for a few weeks, and then it's done! Who knows, just open your mind and let her decide over her own life.

You pause before you answer. Maybe both of them are kind of right; Maybe you need to see them acting naturally around each other, and maybe you need to "open your mind".

Charles: Do you think it would be enough of a peace offering, to invite him over for lunch in Monaco next week?

Lorenzo chuckles: That's a start. We could invite him onto the yacht... What do you think?

Charles sighs: I'd really rather not.

Lorenzo laughs: You know you fucked up, and you want to fix it - That's what I gather when you bring up a peace offering... So do it properly. Have both of them on the boat, and then that can be the first step towards reconciliation. Especially after you punched the guy.

Charles: You know about that?

Lorenzo: It was plastered all over Formula One related news, even Mom knows about it.

Charles sighs: Fine. We'll invite them onto the boat, but you need to get y/n to unblock me first.

Lorenzo chuckles: You should do that yourself too.

Charles: Please, can't you just convince her?

Lorenzo: Fine, I'll call her and bring it up. I want you to fix it though, okay? I'm serious Charles, I don't want to have to hear about this drama much longer.

Charles relieved: Okay, okay! And can you also ask her if she'll quit, because I still don't know if she was serious about that...

Lorenzo: Fine.

Charles: And can you tell her that Pierre is invited onto the boat - Obviously ask Mom first - But please can you do it?

Lorenzo: Dude, how much more should I do to fix your mistakes? I'm not the messenger or the errand-boy. Do it yourself.

Charles: No please, she won't question it if you invite him. If I do it, she will reject the offer. I'm sure of it.

Lorenzo: That's ridiculous Char - You should do it so she knows that you're trying to fix it.

Charles: Please, please, please. Can't you just do it?

Eventually he gives in and says he'll do it to shut you up. The two of you end the call ten minutes later. You call Elle, to talk about what happened with y/n today - She'll take your side, you know it.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now