Chapter Sixteen: Pulling away

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y/n's PoV:

You're smart enough to not dispute the fact that there are marks on your neck. Of course they're there; Pierre certainly made sure of it. You covered the hickies the best you could before leaving your room, and you purposely styled your hair so that it's covering your neck, but of course he saw. It's Charles after all. He's exactly as jumpy as he was a few years ago when you had your first boyfriend, and you came home too late because of a date.

Charles pushy: Who did that to you?

y/n: Why are you trying to meddle in my personal stuff again!? You need to take this protective brother thing down a notch man, it's none of your business!

He sighs in frustration.

Charles: No man touches you y/n. Period. Especially if it's not serious, which it can't be, since you were only here for a few days!

y/n: Excuse me!?

Charles yelling: You heard me!

y/n: Do you even know how crazy you are sounding right now!?

You mock what he said: "No man touches you"! Are you crazy!?

Charles: I don't give a fuck how crazy I sound! Some dude roughed up your neck, leaving traces up and down! Tell me who it was!

y/n: You legit told me you'd give me more freedom a bit ago! And now this? Demanding to know who it was? It doesn't fucking matter!

You're about to burst - You understand that he sees you as his responsibility, as do Arthur and Lorenzo too, it's a brother thing, but this is crossing a line. Saying that "No man touches you", legitimately crosses a line. What the fuck is this?

Charles pulls over the car on the side of the road. He parks and turns off the engine. For the first time since this explosive argument had started, he glances at you.

Charles: It matters, because he'll be a dead man when I'm through with him.

Your eyes fixate on him, while the both of you let his words sink in. You shouldn't have seen Pierre last night. That's all that's running through your mind right now. You won't tell Charles that it was him; You've caused enough problems between the two of them yesterday, by telling him you wanted Gasly to stay away from you. Let alone you breaking Charles' rule about not seeing any of his friends... God you feel so stupid for even allowing Pierre to leave hickies on your neck last night.

Pure anger has ignited behind Charles' eyes. You've barely been here for a week and you've caused way too many problems already. Fucking hell.

y/n lying: You don't know him...

Charles: You're a liar, you know that!

He calls out your lie, as if he has an entire case against you, full of evidence and witnesses. You're only missing a jury and a judge in this car...

Your phone lights up with a DM. FUCK. You totally forgot you messaged Lando last night. Shit, shit, shit! He'll read into it - God this is bad timing.

Charles grabs your phone and immediately points at the text. You can't even read what Lando said, as Charles is hectically waving your phone around. He's assuming it was Lando who left the hickies on you.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now