01 | Temple Matters

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-= Jedi Temple, Coruscant, Core Worlds =-

22 BBY, Month 4


Rylann Tetra jumped to her feet, kicking the droid as it bore down on her

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Rylann Tetra jumped to her feet, kicking the droid as it bore down on her. Without her saber, she didn't know how to destroy it, let alone dodge every shot. What was her master thinking?

Flipping over the robot, Ry latched herself to the back of the droid, veering its aim to the battalion behind them. Sensing a shot, she ducked behind the droid, the shot barely missing her head.

That was not how she planned on starting her day.

The droid she was on, started tipping backwards, threatening to crush her underneath. Using the force, she lifted both of them into the air before force pushing the droid into the group of them ahead. That knocked down half of them at least.
Landing on her feet, Ry used the force to push the droids back and then crush them together.

With an eery crunch, the shooting stopped.

Rylann fell to her knees, letting out a breath of relief, completely exhausted.

"I told you not to use the force unless completely necessary," her master stated behind her, arms crossed behind her back.

Ry frowned. "And I listened," she cut back. "Running from the shots like a headless bantha is something that I can only take for a few minutes." She took her master's offered hand of help, getting to her feet to dust herself off. "Besides, instead of running from the problems, why can't I just solve them?" Master Shaak Ti raised a brow, causing a frown to form on Ry's lips. "So that's what I did."

"I think you're missing the point of this lesson, my dear padawan," she said, walking towards the exit of the training room. Ry rushed after her, trying to keep up with the togruta's long strides.

"Then tell me, Master," Rylan begged, looking up at Shaak Ti. Why did everything need to be riddled and muddled? Wasn't becoming a jedi supposed to be enlightening?

The Jedi Master looked down at the girl as they walked through the halls of the Jedi Temple.

"You need to not become dependent on your abilities."

"Wait!" Rylann furrowed her brows, rushing in front of Shaak Ti to stop her in her tracks. "You're saying toss out everything I've learned about being 'one with the force' just to ignore it?"

"Don't ignore it, young padawan," Shaak Ti said, tilting her majestic head, montrals sliding over her shoulder. "Learn to hear from it rather than control it." The Jedi Master walked on past the stunned padawan, not looking back to continue, "and once you learn to listen, the force will listen to you."

"Bunch of erpetia," Ry muttered in Genetian beneath her breath, stumbling after her master. Her dark hair fell in braids down her back, thick brows furrowing.

"You have much to learn, Rylann," was all Shaak Ti replied with, taking elegramt strides down the hall. Rylann clenched her jaw for a moment. She was nineteen, almost twenty...didn't she have her trials coming up in a year? Pushing down her rising anger, Ry stepped alongside her master.

The evening sunset was blinding through the window as many other students and padawans exited their classrooms for the end of the day. Rylann spotted her good friend, Ahsoka leaving the archives with her master, Anakin.

"See, Master?" Ahsoka's voice echoed across the large halls. "I was right about the moon names."

"Well, they've updated a lot since I was a padawan so we're tied," Anakin retorted back as they passed.

"Hi, Ahsoka!" Ry called out, gaining the attention of the younger togruta.

The other padawan's lips former into a broad smile. "Ry! Long time no see!"

"I know right!" Ry replied, looking to Shaak Ti for permission to hang with her friend. The elder togruta nodded to the padawans and to Anakin before heading off herself. Anakin sent a salute to the girls, leaving them to talk.

"See any action in battle yet?" Ry asked, eyes beaming with curiosity as they started walking towards the dining hall.

Ahsoka sighed, shaking her head in wonder. "I've been at it for only a week and I've already seen enough for a lifetime!"

"Man, at least you're doing something." Rylann pouted, looking out at the setting sun over Coruscant. "Shaak Ti has an assignment but isn't telling me what it is."

"Well, once you do know, let me know!" Ahsoka said, patting her friend on the shoulder. "I want to make sure we keep in contact."

Rylann smirked, remembering how close they had been before becoming padawans. "Like the good old days?" She asked, watching a grin break out over Ahsoka's face.

Ahsoka nodded. "Like the good old days."

【 ⌖ 】

Rylann sat on a bench in the hall outside of the jedi council room, kicking her feet underneath her. There had been so much secrecy regarding what Shaak Ti and her had been assigned to. Anakin had the 501st GAR to run and Kenobi had the 212th, so did Shaak Ti get hers as well? Was that why she was training me to fight without the force? Ry thought to herself, scrunching her nose.

"Rylann," her master's voice called to her, waking Ry from her thoughts.

Ry jumped to her feet, watching the willowy woman glide past her from the council room. "Yes, Master?"

Shaak Ti lead the way to the living quarters of the Jedi temple, not looking at her padawan, hands clasped beneath her sleeves. "Tomorrow we leave for Kamino."

"Kamino?" Ry repeated, brows furrowing as she scrambled to keep up with her master. The name was slightly familiar, but nothing came to mind at what it was.

"Kamino," Shaak Ti confirmed, glancing down at Ry from her peripheral. "The cloning planet?"

Realization dawned on Rylann, embarrassment flooding her system. Ry brushed a few of her braids past her shoulder, not meeting the eye of her master. "What are we doing there?"

"We will be stationed as the resident jedi and padawan," came the reply simply and elegantly. Ry frowned. She could never live up to her master's grace.

"We must pack then?" Ry asked with a squeak in her voice as the stopped in front of the padawan's room.

Shaak Ti nodded. "Yes." The togruta examined her padawan, who was struggling to keep up with the rapid growth of her body. And per usual, Ry couldn't read her master. Though empathy was Ry's specialty, Shaak Ti closed herself off better than anyone Ry knew. And the padawan hated that.

Let me in, she thought brazenly, tears threatening to form in her eyes. All she wanted was a friend, a companion... something close to a mother. But Shaak Ti would not fulfill that.

Steeling herself, Ry's posture straightened, glancing up at the togruta. "When do we leave?"
Shaak Ti tilted her head, wondering what caused the new sort of determination in her padawan before stating, "0700."



I know. No Cross yet, but this first chapter is to kinda introduce you to Rylann. I hope you like the conflicted lil padawan.

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