07 | Mindset

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22 BBY, Month 5


Rylann breathed out, saber in hand, though it remained off

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Rylann breathed out, saber in hand, though it remained off. Her eyes begged to open, but she knew she had to wait. Trust your gut, Hunter's voice echoed in her mind as the hairs on the back of her neck tingled. Shifting her feet beneath her, she lit up her saber, bringing it into a frontal block in front of her face, blaster bolt quickly deflected. For the tenth time. Perfectly.

Clapping interrupted her reverie, the training droid faltering as it turned off. Rylann stood up straight, trying to hold back a grin as she faced her master. Shaak Ti slowly glided over to Ry, clapping her hands together, a small smile adorning her face. "Very good, Rylann. You've improved since the last monthly assessment," the togruta stated, holding her hands in front of her. Shaak Ti glanced at Ry, tilting her head as her montrals shifted. "You've been practicing in your own time?"

"Yes, master," Rylann said, trying to stifle a yawn. Just thinking about her late night/early morning training sessions made her exhausted, but if she showed any sign of it, her master would become curious. Ry knew that nothing could stop a curious Shaak Ti. 

"Well, make sure you fit time in for sleep," Shaak Ti said as if reading her mind. Ry blushed. How could Shaak Ti always do that? Always know what she was thinking? Shaak Ti suddenly drew her own lightsaber, igniting it in one swift movement. "Though, are you up for a round against your master?"

Ry grinned, though uncertainty washed over her. "What happened to resting?"

"You'll surely have time to recover from this," Shaak Ti stated, pointing the saber down towards the ground in one hand. One thing that Ry always thought was scary about her master was that she did not flaunt or flourish her saber skills, but they were simple and effect. Her pairing with skilled saber skills and extremely potent force connection made her deadly and her humility made her even more so. 

Ry was scared of it because she knew she could never reach that potential. She doubted that Shaak Ti didn't pick up on her internal turmoil, though her master had not yet said a word of it. Ry wished that Shaak Ti would just confront her about it so that she could talk about it because Rylann was just so confused. But Shaak Ti never did. 

"I would like to teach you one more thing before I go," Shaak Ti said, raising the blue saber in both hands.

Rylann's brows furrowed as she brought her saber up as well. "What? Where are you going?"

"Maybe you do need more rest," Shaak Ti chuckled, starting to circle Rylann, saber unmoving. "I told you earlier this week that I am going to Coruscant to work out what my role entails here."

"Yeah, why exactly are we here?" Rylann asked, slowly stepping closer to her master, lightsaber lifting to match Shaak Ti's. 

"Answers will come in time, young one," her master said before quickly spinning her blue saber to clash against Ry's. Shock coursed through Rylann's body as she tried her best to parry each of her master's blows, but she could hardly keep up. 

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now