12 | The Collaboration of the Century

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22 BBY, Month 5


Rylann hated to ditch the Batch, but for a moment she had to

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Rylann hated to ditch the Batch, but for a moment she had to. She had threatened them to not trash Shaak Ti's suite while she was gone. Hopefully, she wouldn't be gone too long.

57, where are you? She thought to herself, legs pumping long strides beneath her. The numbers on the wall were at 46 and going up, so at least Rylann knew she was heading in the right direction.

Finally, she slowed her pace upon reaching the grey, painted letters on the hallway wall above a door. A fresh cadet clone exited the door who Rylann stopped. "Is this the 57th Sector of dorms?"

"Obviously," the clone grunted, shrugging to the mural. He brushes past her, causing her to stumble back. The nerve of him. How dare I ask for help?

Rylann entered the sector, the smell of BO and corn chips filling her nose. Pushing down the urge to gag, Rylann stood at attention, taking in the view. The common area was filled with clones playing some sort of tabletop game, ping pong, and pool, their accented voices rising above a nondescript beat in the background.

Rylann cleared her throat in order to get their attention. That didn't work. She said hello but no one heard her. She spotted a singular clone in the middle of the clone mosh pit, singing some karaoke song by the couches, riling the crowd up. She found her opening.

Using the force, the microphone flew from the clone's hands and into her own. She tapped the mic, clearing her throat. "Is this thing on?" She said, hearing her voice through the speakers. The whole 57th Sector stopped whatever they were doing, turning their attention to her. The only sound was the beat of the song, rumbling through the floor. "What's your name, Mr. Karaoke?"

The clone who just had their mic stolen, rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "CT-5555, ma'am."

"Fives?" Rylann asked with a smile, noting the only number present in his identification.

"That's me," the clone said, saluting her before freezing in worry. "What have you heard? Whatever it is, it wasn't me."

"I'm not here for you," she said, tossing the microphone back to him, making her way through the crowd of clones, before spotting someone familiar. "Kix, is that you?"

The clone with the medical badge glanced up at her, a grin breaking out on his face. "Commander Tetra," he stated, quickly standing to salute her. "What brings you to the 57th Sector?" Kix relaxed as she approached him. "Boyfriend hurt his head again?"

Rylann furrowed her brows not understanding. "I don't understand—" Rylann paused, the reality of his statement hitting her. "Wait, you mean Crosshair?" Rylann asked, flushing bright red. "Jedis don't get in relationships and neither do clones."

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now