09 | Carry the Weight

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22 BBY, Month 5


Hunter knew letting Crosshair fight Ry was a bad idea, but he hadn't expected this

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Hunter knew letting Crosshair fight Ry was a bad idea, but he hadn't expected this.

Crosshair stood there, waiting to make the headshot as Ry was on her knees, determination set on her brow.

"Do you surrender?" Crosshair said, lifting the gun to aim. Ry just sat there, shaking her head slowly. A pained look crossed her eyes before they snapped up to meet Crosshair's gaze.

Hunter felt it coming before it happened.

Ry raised her hand up to reach out towards Crosshair. "Let me in," came Rylann's stern voice right as the blaster came from the gun.

Hunter's hairs stood up on his arms.

Before he could react, a loud crack echoed throughout the room as an invisible force blew him and his brothers back from the training circle.

Hunter's ears rung, his vision hazy as he looked up at the scene before him. Ry was in still kneeling on the ground at the mercy of the bolt, but her eyes were closed.

But the bolt did not hit her. It was frozen in air, held back by an invisible force. Chills ran down Hunter's spine. He hadn't realized that Jedi could hold back blaster bolts.

Hunter's eyes drifted to his Crosshair who was crumpled on the floor, eyes closed. The same pained look on his face donned Ry's, and Hunter had the eerie feeling that whatever was happening was all connected.

Tech stood up beside Hunter, adjusted his goggles, mouth agape. And that was something for Tech. He never showed his amazement on his face. "Impossible."

"Are they okay?" Wrecker asked, worry etching itself across his round face.

Hunter frowned, unsure of what to do. "I don't know. I think we should wait it out."

"Should we move them from the line of fire?" Tech asked, turning to Hunter. Hunter didn't know what to do. He hated not knowing what to do. He was supposed to have a plan for everything, but dealing with a Jedi and their magic powers was never something he could have dreamed up in cadet training.

"Yeah," Hunter finally said, slowly approaching Ry's figure. The air closer to them was static with electricity and felt heavy. Stiff. He didn't like it at all. He put his arms under Ry's shoulders, dragging her to the side only for her to snap awake and flail in his arms, screaming.

"Leave him alone! Leave him alone!" She cried out, tears forming in her eyes as she thrashed in his arms.

"Shh, it's okay," Hunter whispered, holding her close to keep her limbs from hitting him.

She finally calmed down, breaths slowing. Ry seemed to come to reality as her eyes drifting from Crosshair on the floor up to the floating blaster bolt. Her face paled. "I did this."

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now