17 | Surprises

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22 BBY, Month 6


The lightsaber flew from Rylann's hand, landing a few feet away from her

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The lightsaber flew from Rylann's hand, landing a few feet away from her. Shaak Ti had disarmed her for the fifth time that evening. Rylann was getting frustrated to the point of wanting to quit it all. She thought she had grown since her master was gone but now that training was continuing, it was evident that Rylann still had a lot to grow in.

"Don't lose heart," Shaak Ti stated, gesturing for Rylann to pick up her saber.

Using the force, Rylann snatched the hilt in the air, attaching it to her belt. "Were you lying when you said I've gotten better since you were gone?" Rylann asked, wanting the truth. "Cuz right now, I don't think it was honest."

Shaak Ti's brows furrowed. "You can't compare saber duels with deflection," she stated, igniting her saber. "It's not the same thing."

Rylann stepped backwards. "I think I need a break." She was too exhausted to even want to try. And too disheartened.

Shaak Ti stared at Rylann for a moment before attaching her saber to her belt. "If you must," she stared, stepping aside to let her padawan pass. "But you need to understand that your progress is undeniable."

Rylann glanced up at her master, a small smile gracing her lips. "I appreciate it, Master."

Shaak Ti just nodded in understanding. "You should relax and freshen up."

Rylann frowned. "Really?" Rylann asked, suddenly self conscious about her body odor. "I didn't think I was that bad."

"It will help refresh you," she said, gesturing to the door. "Afterwards, if you want to watch your sports holo-cast and eat lunch in my suite, you are allowed. I have a meeting with Master Skywalker and Kenobi and then one with the Kaminoans and then another with some clone captains and commanders."

Rylann's gut dropped to the floor. Why did Shaak Ti often avoid spending time with her? Was Rylann becoming too much of a burden to care for? That had to be it. Rylann couldn't grasp otherwise what it'd be.

"Alright," was all that Rylann could muster to say. Suddenly, Rylann felt a rushed energy coming from her master. She looked up at Shaak Ti, narrowing her eyes. Her master was hiding something. Or perhaps excited? Rylann scoured her brain for what plans Shaak Ti had, the only thing "exciting" coming to mind was a council meeting with Anakin and Obi-Wan, but that didn't seem too fun unless you counted completely roasting Ani.

For a second, Rylann played with the idea of her master having a "thing" for Obi-Wan, but she completely shut it down. Shaak Ti once told her that Master Kenobi was in love with a Mandalorian woman from his first expedition there, but that was secret information since Shaak Ti is Kenobi's confidant when it comes to personal life.

Shrugging aside her speculations, Rylann nodded goodbye to her master before exiting the room. She made her way to her own room and quickly showered. Rylann then dried her hair, leaving it down and wavy. It reached her mid-back and had taken around an hour to get it fully dried even with the technology on Kamino.

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