16 | Planning and Schemes

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22 BBY, Month 6


Let's just say, Crosshair wasn't surprised to have a  meeting with Shaak Ti, but he was not expecting it to go how it did

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Let's just say, Crosshair wasn't surprised to have a meeting with Shaak Ti, but he was not expecting it to go how it did. He had been waiting for a quiet scolding for trying to train Ryle, but for the Jedi Master to ask them to work under Rylann? He wondered what was in his soup for lunch because it all just felt like a fever dream.

"I know you don't like followin orders, but I know that Rylann is your friend, so I hope you will consider it," the togruta female said, placing her hands behind her back, turning around to face them in the conference room.

Crosshair sat at the end of the table, turning his attention to his brothers. Hunter's jaw was clenched, tapping his fingers in thought, Tech was watching Shaak Ti quizzically, and Wrecker was grinning.

"Yeah!" The biggest brother said, slamming his hands on the table in excitement, almost flipping it in the process.

"Wrecker, let's talk about this," Tech said, adjusting his goggles. "We must think over what this could do for the team."

"Tech's right," Hunter cut in, trying to beat Wrecker to talking, for the bigger clone had opened his mouth to speak and they all knew the likelihood of never getting to talk when Wrecker did. "We wanted to be a solo team because we don't like to follow orders. We think better on our own, without someone to tell us what to do."

Tech raised his finger. "Not to mention, if we feel that we need to change the plan last minute, we could get in trouble for disobeying orders."

Crosshair couldn't believe what he was hearing. He could understand their reasoning if it was any other Jedi, but what of Rylann, their friend?

Cross leaned forward on the table, pulling out a toothpick. "I don't see why we are even discussing it," he said, sticking the small piece of wood beneath his tongue. "This is Rylann we're talking about." He shook his head at the blank stares from Hunter and Tech. "Rylann would never punish us for creative thought, and I'm not sure all Jedi would either." Crosshair glanced up at Shaak Ti who offered him a soft smile.


"Listen, I'm not saying that we become like the regs," "I'm just saying of all people who would execute missions like us, it'd be Ryle."

Hunter frowned, looking up at the Jedi master. "What does Rylann think of this?"

Shaak Ti stepped forward, crossing her arms over her chest. "My padawan is all for it if you are."

"What do you think of it?" Crosshair asked, eyeing the togruta with curiosity. He was pleasantly surprised by her input as of yet and was intrigued to see what was going on in that white and orange head of hers.

"I think it is good," was all she said at first, looking between him and his brothers. "Both you and Rylann have something you can learn from each other. What that lesson is, you will have to figure that out yourselves." The woman paused, a small smile hiding on her lips. "Rylann is ready to become a Knight to protect the peace and you are ready to become soldiers to protect the people. Whatever way you achieve that is between you and Rylann. I give her and you full trust."

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now