35 | The Shot

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22 BBY, Month 8


Rylann sat crouched and watched the Mandalorian from afar, the salt-and-peppered man roaming around the wide-open room

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Rylann sat crouched and watched the Mandalorian from afar, the salt-and-peppered man roaming around the wide-open room. This floor seemed to be under construction since the entrance was taped off, but that had not stopped the Mandalorian, nor Cross and Rylann, so getting past it was a breeze.

Crosshair was crouched behind her, shrugging off his pack. He quietly pulled out the pieces of his sniper rifle, snapping them together for use. He only froze to watch the Death Watcher send out a few fly-like drones, though Rylann didn't know the purpose of them.

"Possibly spyware," Crosshair muttered to her, his breath on the back of her neck. If it hadn't been a top-secret, life-threatening mission, Rylann would have had butterflies at how close Crosshair was, her back to his chest as he crouched over her protectively. "It could be assassin droids though."

"If it was assassin droids, then what is he doing now?" Rylann asked, gesturing to the Mandalorian.

The tall man unshouldered a long bag, revealing a sniper rifle which he slung over his chest. Sliding on his helmet with Death Watch markings, he aimed his rifle outside, waiting.

That's when they heard a flare go off.

The Mandalorian paused, lowering his gun. That wasn't a Death Watch flare, Rylann thought, glancing outside the open windows to see billows of reddish smoke from the street side of the building that the sniper was aiming for. The flare had to be Hunter or Cody. They were the ones on the street side.

Taking the pause for granted, Rylann used the force to pull the gun away from the Death Watcher. The Mandalorian spun around, pointing his vambraces at their general direction, finally spotting them when Rylann caught the sniper rifle, handing it to Crosshair who dismantled it instantly.

Rylann had heard many retellings of fights that Anakin or Kenobi has been a part of, and they had almost seemed comedic with witty catch phrases and comebacks, but fear struck Rylann to the heart. Banter was the last thing in this Mandalorian's mind.

Without a word, the Watcher sent a fan of fire their way and it would have hit Rylann if it weren't for Crosshair knocking her out of the way. Air escaped Rylann's lungs as her back collided with the ground, Crosshair's arm around her protectively.

She gasped, her body finally remembering how to breathe as she scrambled to her feet, drawing her lightsaber. After clicking it on, she barely had a moment to lose before the man came at her with his jetpack, shooting a wire through his vambrace to tie her hand up. Now she couldn't fight him well.

Crosshair pulled out a blaster, but the Watcher used his other wire to pull that from his hand. With an angry growl, Crosshair did the unthinkable. He jumped up, grabbing onto the legs of the Watcher like some rabid animal, pulling him down from the air.

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now