41 | Greetings

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22 BBY, Month 8


Rylann stepped off the shuttle, following General Kenobi and Commander Cody into the hangar of the Resolute

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Rylann stepped off the shuttle, following General Kenobi and Commander Cody into the hangar of the Resolute. She kept her eyes downcast, too deep in her thoughts to really care about much at the moment. The end of the 8th Month was nearing which signified the upcoming trials that she must face if she dared to become knighted.

But that was not all that brought her mood down. She wouldn't get to see her friends or Crosshair until after the trials, which meant at least two months. Maybe the end of the 10th Month or the beginning of the 1st Month in the upcoming new year.

The incoming year reminded Rylann that it was another year of war. She wondered how many years it would take to quell the Separatists forces. Hopefully not long. She wished to continue her life as it was before—having peace and keeping it.

"Rylann!" a familiar voice called out, waking Rylann from her internal grumblings.

Rylann perked up, her gaze meeting Ahsoka's. A smile widened across her face. "If it isn't little 'Soka!" Rylann rushed over to greet her friend, pulling her into a hug. "Well, not so little now. You're almost as tall as I am."

Rylann held Ahsoka at an arm's length, gathering in the younger girl's growth. She was more athletic in build and a few inches taller than the last time she had seen her. Soon, she would be taller than Ry herself.

"You look well," Ahsoka said, tilting her head as she squinted at her. "A lil on the depressed side, but still, you look healthy."

Rylann laughed, crossing her arms. "They feed you well on Kamino. A clone's appetite is larger than a bantha."

It was Ahsoka's turn to laugh. "Still joking around I see."

"What's the fun in being serious all the time?" Rylann said with a shrug.

"Shhh!" Ahsoka hushed her, spun her around, and covered Rylann's mouth with her hand. "Kenobi is right there!"

Rylann met the General's eyes. Kenobi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You do realize that I've been here for the whole conversation, right?"

Rylann and Ahsoka busted out laughing as they linked arms, heading out of the hangar. But Rylann froze. Something was missing. Someone was missing. Right as she paused, she felt a shift in the force as a figure flew out from behind a ship. Rylann, just in time, drew her saber, lit it, and raised it. Her blade was greeted by a blue one. Skywalker.

Anakin laughed as he pulled away from her, turning off his lightsaber. "You're getting better, Rice."

Rylann narrowed her eyes. "How many times have I told you to stop calling me that, Skywrecker?"

A smirk grew on both of their lips as they pulled in for a hug. "It's good having you back for the party, Tetra."

"It's good to be back at the party," Rylann paused, biting her lip. "What are we celebrating?"

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now