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22 BBY, Month 9


A week had passed since Rylann left and Crosshair was about to lose his mind

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A week had passed since Rylann left and Crosshair was about to lose his mind. Every waking moment he was reminded of her, from the obvious to the mundane. He chose any chance he could take to distract himself, from target-practice to picking up small errands around Kamino.

And even now, when he was able to call Rylann every morning, it was never enough. He wanted to be there with her.

"Cross, I have to go," she said, looking at her commlink in the holocall. "It's about time for me to go to bed."

"Alright," he muttered, a frown growing on his face.

"Say hi to your brothers for me," Rylann said, waving quickly before the call ended. In his mind, he could still see the mass of dark waves on her head. It was getting really long so she kept twisting it up into a messy knot which looked cute to Cross.

Hunter, who sat on his own bed across from Cross's, raised his gaze from his survival magazine. "How is she?"

"Fine," Cross muttered grumpily.

Hunter sighed. "You need a vacation."

"To Coruscant?"

"To see family," Hunter said, closing the magazine as he scooted to the edge of the bed. "Someone needs to check on Zeta anyway."

The memory of Zeta's failing health rushed into his mind like a flood. "I'll go," he said. Maybe it'd be good to see family. Talk to them. Maybe Sil or Omicron could give him some advice on all of this.

【 ⌖ 】

Shaak Ti

Shaak Ti couldn't keep her gaze away from the new padawan as they flew towards Coruscant

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Shaak Ti couldn't keep her gaze away from the new padawan as they flew towards Coruscant. Something about the girl looked oddly familiar. Her deep-set eyes, the curve of her ear and cheekbone. It reminded Shaak Ti of her. Of Marssa. And now this Marssa look-alike would be going to Kenobi? It couldn't be a coincidence. Would she turn out just like Marssa? Windu was worried about Rylann being like her when this new girl looked just like her—

"Why do you keep looking my way?" Wynn Avunn asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "It's the clothes, isn't it? They are too fancy, and I don't like how itchy they are."

Shaak Ti's gaze softened. No, Wynn was different. Marssa had been rock-hard in her demeanor, but Wynn seemed apologetic. Marssa rarely apologized.

"You remind me of an old friend," Shaak Ti stated honestly. There was once when Marssa was her friend—before she betrayed everyone, turning to the dark.

Wynn smiled, pulling a strand of her blond hair behind her ear. "I get that a lot." Wynn seemed to be deep in thought as her pert nose scrunched up. That was one difference. Marssa had a long nose, though Wynn's was more round.

Could Marssa have had a child? Shaak Ti didn't know. She had thought Marssa was dead. Obi-Wan had made sure of that. Though she didn't know how he did, when she knew of their history.

"Your old friend must have been complicated," Wynn said, carefully eying Shaak Ti as she swiveled in her chair. "Your emotions are all over your face."

"Sorry," Shaak Ti apologized, pinching the bridge of her nose with his fingers. "I have had a rough week and have been having an increasingly worse time hiding how I feel."

"It's not good to hide your emotions," Wynn said, raising a finger. "I actually read a report once on the scientific implications of bottling your emotions."

A smile grew on Shaak Ti's lips. The emotion-reading skills Wynn showed reminded Shaak Ti of Rylann, but her brainy nature reminded her of Tally. Kenobi would enjoy Wynn, that was for sure.

"So, your file says you have no living relatives," Shaak Ti asked, pulling the datapad out.

Wynn nodded. "I never knew my parents. Hersehl found me on the streets when I was a baby."

"Did he know of your gifts?" the togruta asked.

Wynn shrugged. "He thought I was just good at reading people and super lucky." She chuckled. "I guess I thought so, too, until Duchess Satine found out."

Shaak Ti's datapad beeped. It was a message from the Duchess herself. Inside I have attached Wynn's medical file. You'll want to see this.

Shaak Ti's heart stopped as she read over the file. Not only were her midi-chlorians rather high, but there was a separate file attached for comparison.

Marssa Kenobi, 56% DNA match. UNKNOWN, 44% DNA match.

Shaak Ti almost dropped the tablet from her shaking figures. She knew it wasn't just a coincidence that Wynn looked like Marssa and was going to be Obi-Wan's padawan, but this just didn't seem real. Was Wynn the daughter of Marssa or was she a clone? And if Marssa wasn't dead, why did Obi-Wan lie to her? 


CHECK OUT CH 3 of Part the Tides as well!

I wasn't sure how to reveal Marssa's identity, so hopefully this offers a small/big glimpse into it. Don't worry, more will be revealed in the next chapter or two whenever Shaak Ti confronts Kenobi. 

SHAAK TI: *rushing towards Obi-Wan* KENOBIIIIIIIII!

OBI-WAN: *thinking it's maul and starts running*

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now