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22 BBY, Month 9


Rylann frowned, flipping the ping pong paddle in her hand

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Rylann frowned, flipping the ping pong paddle in her hand. Joseta had yet again won a couple of points against her, leaving Rylann in the dust, 6-19. Apparently, ping pong was not Rylann's forte.

Rex was on the sidelines, watching and keeping score. She could feel the excitement rolling off of him. He was going to play the winner and Rylann was nearly positive it wouldn't be her.

"Match point, your serve," Rex said, snatching the ball midair to toss towards Rylann.

Rylann fumbled to catch the ping pong ball. "Thanks," she mumbled, serving the ball. Joseta skillfully hit it back, adding spin, and it went flying past Rylann's paddle. Great.

Before Rylann could comment on losing the game, her commlink beeped. Handing Rex the paddle, she clicked the message, revealing that Crosshair was waiting outside for her to take her back to the temple. They must have finished their rounds at 79s already.

"My ride's here," Rylann said, grabbing her cloak from the couch, waving at Rex and Joseta who just started their game.

Joseta and Rex said their goodbyes but were quickly distracted by the quick game that ensued. Smiling to herself, Rylann walked out of the barracks and through the halls of the Resolute.

When she came off the ship and into the docks of the GAR, Crosshair was waiting, leaning on a light pole, his toothpick resting between his teeth.

"Hey," Rylann said, holding her cloak close to her as the night air sent shivers down her arms.

Crosshair glanced at her, standing up straight as he made his way over. "Hey," he whispered back, brows furrowing as he examined her. "You're cold. Let me."

He took the cloak from her hands, placing it on her shoulders. He stood there, hands on her shoulders as he looked into her eyes with a small smile.

Butterflies attacked Rylann's stomach. This was the first time they were alone together since their kiss a couple of days ago. They never really talked about it since and it had been eating her up from the inside out.

"Mesh'la," he whispered, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "We should get you back."

They started walking towards the temple in the distance, the hum of shuttles a constant song in their ears. Rylann grabbed her cloak, wrapping it more tightly around her before testing to make sure her saber was on her belt. It was an area like this that the Death Watcher had almost taken her. She felt useless against him. Every. Time. She never was able to use what she learned in training in battle. Both times ended in her being disarmed.

"Ryle, are you okay?" Crosshair asked, eying her as he removed his toothpick to toss in a nearby can that was overflowing with trash.

Rylann shook her head. "I still don't understand how I keep failing when it matters most."

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now