23 | Doctor's Orders

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22 BBY, Month 7

Rylann felt a firm grip on her hand

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Rylann felt a firm grip on her hand. Calloused fingers ran across her knuckles, reminding her of the person holding her hand in the vision. The vision.

Snapping awake, Rylann groaned, rolling onto her side, fingers grasping onto the hand that laid on hers. It was Crosshair, blinking away sleep as he groggily lifted his head from the side of the examination table. His eyes snapped open and he jumped to his feet, letting her hand go.

"Rylann," he muttered, hovering over her fretfully. "What happened? Are you alright?"

Rylann blinked, clearing the water from her eyes. "Yeah, I'm good," she paused looking up at his worried face. There were lines on his cheeks from the pattern on the table which made her chuckle. "Oh, no," she laughed, reaching up to touch his face where the lines were but paused as her fingers brushed against his cheek.

Crosshair smacked her hand from his face, standing up to back away from her. "What are you doing?"

Rylann blushed, retracting her hand just as fast. "I— sorry—you just had—your face..." she pointed to her own cheek to demonstrate.

Crosshair ran his hand across his cheek, frown dispersing as he found the table's imprint. "Sorry for slapping your hand."

"I'm sorry, too," Rylann blurted, unable to meet his eyes without recalling him from the visions. "Not my best moment."

An awkward silence settled into the room and they just let it linger.

"Rylann, what happened?" Omega's voice sounded behind her. Rylann leaned on her other arm, facing away from Cross as she looked at the young clone.

"Omega, what are you doing here?" Ry asked, offering the girl a small smile, hoping to divert the question.

"You didn't answer the question," Omega said, crossing her arms over her chest as she gave Rylann a look sassier than even Fives.

Rylann groaned, leaning back to hit her head on the makeshift pillow. She didn't want to explain the visions because she didn't want to have more questions asked and the content involving a certain Bad Batcher to be revealed. "Jedi stuff."

Omega's eyes glowed in anticipation as she leaned on the bed to get a closer look. "Did you get a vision?"

"A few," was all Rylann said, growing slightly uncomfortable.

Crosshair crossed his arms. "How often does this happen?"

"With me?" Rylann asked before scoffing. "Never."

"That could explain the extreme reaction," Omega muttered, tapping her finger on her chin. "If you had a series of powerful visions, you were probably not physically accustomed to handling it."

Before they could delve more into it, the door flung open revealing Shaak Ti, Kix, and... Obi-Wan Kenobi?

"Thank the Maker," Shaak Ti breathed out, rushing to Rylann's side. The Jedi Master brushed the sweaty padawan braid behind Rylann's ear, looking deeply into her eyes. "I was so worried."

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now