70 | Talks of Proposals

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21 BBY, Month 8

The report meeting with the Council started at approximately 1700 hours

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The report meeting with the Council started at approximately 1700 hours. Rylann sat in the Conference room with Shaak Ti a few seats away. The holograms of the other council members sat in the seats around the table. She thought it was really stupid to have a room dedicated to replicating the Council. Just do a face-call or something. But the Council was extra, so everything they did would be, too. They even added extra chairs for all of the reporting Generals. Anakin's chair was empty at the moment, he was no doubt too busy to come on time. Note the sarcasm.

"Kenobi, are you ready for your report?" Windu asked, turning to Obi-Wan whose hologram sat across from Shaak Ti's seat.

"Yes," he said, running his hand through his hair. "We were able to stop the big attack, but one bomber slipped through and caused a leak within the Wall."

Yoda grunted. "Not good, that is." He looked over at Kenobi. "Toxic leaks, are there?"

"Our clones and scientists are on it as we speak," Obi-Wan replied.

Windu sighed. "Since General Skywalker is not here, we will switch to —"

"Sorry, I'm late," Anakin said as his form appeared in the seat across from Rylann. He sent her a wink in which she replied with an eye roll. "We are currently gathering supplies since we picked up one of Rylann's stragglers from a nearby system."

Joseta, Rylann thought, sending Anakin a nod. Joseta was making a delivery for her, but was sort of stuck on a planet and had to leave their cargo there. Rylann, too injured to go on the field, sent Anakin to help instead.

"Speaking of General Tetra, how are your special forces?" Windu asked, his dark eyes meeting hers.

She let out a breath. "Sergeant Pro'oz and her team intercepted a Death Watch delivery and instead took the cargo themselves. They are just waiting for the area to get free of Separatist hold before going back to get it." She paused, looking at her notes. "But, it looks like it isn't relenting, so they will be returning momentarily to grab the cargo they left on-world." Rylann cleared her throat.

"All of your other teams are on leave, correct?" Windu asked, looking at his own notes. "Now we can address Shaak Ti—"

"Actually, sir, sorry to interrupt, but I forgot to mention my own mission," Rylann said, letting out a shaky breath. She met Shaak Ti's eyes who nodded to her encouragingly. "My team and I were trying to see who Kli Pressler's contact was."

"Ah, yes, was it who we thought?" Windu asked, leaning forward.

She shook her head, averting her eyes. "It was a Sith."

"Dooku, was it?" Yoda asked, clasping his hands. "Ventress, perhaps?"

"It was Maul," she said, raising her eyes to meet Kenobi's.

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