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22 BBY, Month 9

Shaak Ti

"Shaak Ti!" came Kenobi's breathless voice as footsteps pounded down the marbled halls of the Jedi Temple

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"Shaak Ti!" came Kenobi's breathless voice as footsteps pounded down the marbled halls of the Jedi Temple. Shaak Ti brushed off a memory that was very much like this one. A memory of a much younger Obi-Wan rushing to greet her with news, running through the halls without a care in the world.

Shaak Ti turned, facing her old friend, her hands hidden within her sleeves. "What is it?" she asked, sighing. "I really must be leaving for Kamino."

"I don't think you're going to want to go to Kamino," Kenobi replied, slowing his jog to a stop in front of her. He leaned on his legs, panting for breath. "Your padawan. She has been drugged."

Shaak Ti's heart plummeted in her chest. "Rylann?"

"She would probably be gone or dead if it hadn't been for that one friend of hers."

Crosshair, Shaak Ti thought immediately. She didn't know how he was able to save her when he was supposed to be on Kamino, but she didn't care at the moment. "Take me to her."

Without a hesitation, Kenobi brought Shaak Ti to the medical bay at the GAR headquarters. The whole shuttle drive there, Shaak Ti was restless. She just wanted to figure out what was going on with her padawan. All she was able to get from Obi-Wan was that she was drugged while fighting some Mandalorian. Crosshair intervened right before she was knocked unconscious. She was still unresponsive.

Before long, they reached Rylann's bedside and fear shot through Shaak Ti's body. It hurt to see Rylann there on the bed, her hair sprawled out in knots, eyes closed, and hooked up to monitors. Shaak Ti knew one day Rylann would be thrust into some battle and get injured—or worse—but to actually see her like that when she was supposed to be safe on Coruscant sent chills throughout her body. It was wrong. So wrong for anyone to expect children to fight in wars.

At Rylann's side was Crosshair, asleep in a chair. He was leaning back in the chair, arms crossed over his chest, but drool slid down his chin as quiet snores rumbled throughout his body. He had stayed for her. Shaak Ti's heart panged in remembrance of how many times she would wait for Kenobi to recover from a mission or vice versa when they were younger. Shaak Ti's eyes flitted over to Obi-Wan who stood at the door, stroking his facial hair in thought.

"The doctors had said she should awake soon," Kenobi said, stepping into the room to make his way to Shaak Ti's side. "But they did say that the drug is unknown so they don't know the full side effects, if there are any, once she awakes."

Shaak Ti nodded. "I understand." She gulped back the lump in her throat as she neared the bed to get away from Kenobi looming over her shoulder. She brushed the sweaty strands of hair out of Rylann's face, hoping that her rest was peaceful.

"It's all connected," said Crosshair, who was apparently awake now, though he remained in the same position.

Shaak Ti's eyes flickered up to his. "Excuse me?"

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now