21 | Hawk, Nova, Phoenix

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22 BBY, Month 7


The cafeteria was bustling from the sudden influx of special personnel

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The cafeteria was bustling from the sudden influx of special personnel. The Generals and their crews were all lined up, waiting in line for their dinner, the hum of conversation growing louder.

Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex had joined Ry in line, the padawan and master bickering about some random battle and who got the most clanker kills. Rylann phased out of the conversation pretty quickly, gaze fixed on Tally who stood talking with Shaak Ti ahead of them in the line. She knew that Tally had known Shaak Ti longer, but it still hurt to feel a bit left behind.

"So, you're the infamous Commander Tetra?" a clone's voice snapped her from her thoughts. It was Rex who looked just as interested in his own general and commander's debate as Rylann was—not at all.

Rylann scrunched her brows together. "Infamous?"

"I've been here only a few hours but already have heard of your tales no doubt spun from the boredom of a clone's gossip circle," Rex stated, a deep chuckle reverberating through his chest. The clone took off his helmet, revealing a blond buzz-cut and tired lines under his eyes. No doubt exhaustion from keeping up with both Anakin and Ahsoka.

Now Rylann was curious. "What gossip?"

"Are you sure you want to know?" Rex asked. "I honestly don't believe any of it, but if you're sure." Rylann nodded. "I've heard you stormed into the barracks just to sing karaoke?"

Rylann busted up laughing, interrupting Anakin and Ahsoka's fight. "I did go into their barracks and interrupted Fives' karaoke song, but I only needed a mic to find Giggles."

"Rumor has it, Giggles is the one who does your laundry," Rex stated, placing his helmet beneath his arm as the line moved forward.

Rylann stopped laughing. "What? No!" she exclaimed, shaking her head. "Where do people get this stuff? I honestly hate gossip so much." She pinched the bridge of her nose before adding, "we met when he was doing laundry, but that's it."

Rex looked down. "I suspected there were only partial truths involved. Never understood the idea around telling other people's stories for them."

Rylann nodded, giving a pursed smile to the clone captain. "I'm with you on that, Captain."

It was their turn to get food, so they remained silent until they sat at a table with Anakin and Ahsoka.

"That there just proves my point!" Ahsoka said, setting the platter down as she lowered herself into her seat. "That clanker counted as two instead of one."

"Clankers are clankers, Snips," Anakin stated, raising a brow as he shoved a cracker into his mouth. "Mmm, stale," he added, tossing another cracker into his mouth.

"So," Rylann cleared her throat, stirring her soup as she gazed across the table at Anakin and Ahsoka. "What are you looking for in new recruits?"

Without hesitation, both Jedi across from her simultaneously stated, "Whatever Rex wants."

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now