49 | Echoes of the Past

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22 BBY, Month 9

Shaak Ti

The shuttle landed on Coruscant and Shaak Ti felt more nervous than she ever had in her life

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The shuttle landed on Coruscant and Shaak Ti felt more nervous than she ever had in her life. Obi-Wan had said he would meet her at the landing pad, but the togruta didn't know how to warn him about Wynn. Though the girl didn't look exactly like Obi's sister, there were similarities. The location of the eyes, the placement of the ears, the golden blond hair. She looked like a Kenobi. Shaak Ti had met them all so she'd know.

But what was interesting about Wynn was that though she didn't know her actual birthdate, her blood work denoted she was thirteen years old. That would mean that Marssa was seventeen when she had Wynn. That didn't add up. Marssa was still Windu's padawan at that point. She only ran away when she was eighteen.

Maybe Obi-Wan knew more about it since he was supposed to take care of her. Though, Shaak Ti didn't blame him for not following through with it. Ending the life of someone was hard enough, but when it was a relative or someone one cared about? Near impossible. Shaak Ti felt remorse though for when she held the regulations above the feelings of her friends. She had not been kind or understanding to Obi-Wan in that time.

Shaak Ti glanced at Wynn as they watched the ramp descend. She wondered if the girl would pick up on anything. So far, Wynn hadn't asked any further about Shaak Ti's initial reaction, but that didn't mean the girl brushed it off. Though soft in demeanor, there was a quickness in the young girl's eyes. Shaak Ti was sure she was calculating and computing all that she had seen or heard so far. All of this was a lot to take in as well.

Daylight blinded them as the Coruscant sky came into view, the ramp clanking to the ground of the landing pad. Before them was Obi-Wan Kenobi, arms crossed over his chest, but a smile planted on his bearded face.

"Obi-Wan, glad you could make it," Shaak Ti said, standing before him. She didn't know if she should've hugged him or not, but she handed him the datapad that Satine had given her. She lowered her voice as Wynn was distracted by observing the city planet. "Satine gave this to me. Read when by yourself." She paused at Kenobi's curious look. "And if you need to call me, I'll be there to listen. I'll try to do better than last time."

Obi-Wan's expression sobered as his gaze fell on Wynn. He blinked a few times before looking back at Shaak Ti. "I will, Shaak," he stated, bowing to her slightly before making his way over to Wynn.

Shaak Ti drowned out the happy introduction he was making, thoughts swirling in her head like a storm. There were so many unanswered questions, but it led her to believe that the only one willing or free to search for the answers would have to be her.

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