34 | Wynn Avunn

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22 BBY, Month 8


Tech and the girl continued to walk Wrecker through the chaotic streets of Sundari, the Mandalorian capital

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Tech and the girl continued to walk Wrecker through the chaotic streets of Sundari, the Mandalorian capital. Tech examined the girl, watching closely to see any sign of betrayal. The quickness of the girl's trust in him was a bit disconcerting, and he wanted to know her true motives as soon as he possibly could.

"We must stop here for water," the girl said, light blond hair cascading across her face like a white, tangled waterfall. She brushed the hair from her eyes so she could look at the water.

"What is your name, child?" Tech asked.

"Wynn Avunn," the child repeated proudly, her grey eyes lighting up. Her eyes reminded Tech of Rylann's own irises. Though they were the same color, there was something deeper that seemed familiar to Tech. A deepness. Like she had a well of wisdom to pull from. And that was something Tech was quicker to trust in than most.

"I am called Tech," he said as he watched the girl ladle water into Wrecker's mouth. Wrecker luckily responded with a gulp to Tech's relief.

Wynn looked up at Tech, a sparkle in her eyes. "Because of your glasses?" she asked, pointing to the large pair of goggles that Tech bore over his eyes. "I can hear them whirring."

Tech let out a sheepish chuckle. "Yes, because of my obsession with technological advances and how machines work."

"I do not know the meaning of my name," she said, offering Tech a sip of the well water. "What is your brother's name?"

"Wrecker," Tech stated before chuckling. "Strange names, I know."

"Your mother must be of the creative sort, but at least you have one." Wynn's eyes darkened. "I wish I knew my mother."

"I'm sorry." Tech didn't have the heart to break it to her that he and his brothers did not have a birth mother, but he chose to ignore it. He did have Sil, though, and that was more than a lot of clones could say.

"Can you tell me about your family?" she asked, slinging Wrecker's other arm over her shoulder to continue the trek through the city, going deeper and deeper, almost down into the depths of it.

"I have an older brother, Hunter, who is bossy and takes the lead in most things," Tech stated, pausing as Wynn let out a laugh.

"Sounds like the typical older brother," she said, looking up at him again. "Continue."

"Then there's me," Tech sighed, the worry for his brothers sinking into his heart. "After me is Cross and Wrecker. Cross is grumpy and—"


Tech laughed. "You catch on quickly."

"What are your parents like?"

"Our father died before the Clone Wars started," Tech said, thinking back on the death of Jango Fett. "Sil was always the mother-figure in our life. She took us in along with a few others. Her brothers—our uncles—became our father figures."

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