62 | Rylann's First 79s Experience

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22 BBY, Month 10


Dancing with Crosshair was like dancing on air

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Dancing with Crosshair was like dancing on air. Yeah, he stepped on her toes a few times, but she dealt it right back to him. The Jedi didn't teach their padawans how to dance unfortunately. But it was the feeling of being in his arms, surrounded by harmonious sounds, that lifted her up and out of the moment. No one else was there. It was just him and her.

"Nice dancing, mesh'la," Crosshair whispered in her ear as the song ended and he led her off the floor.

"I would say nice dancing to you, but my toes say otherwise," Rylann said, elbowing him lightly in the ribs.

"Didn't know they could talk," he grumbled, rubbing his chest where her elbow touched him.

"You know what?" Rylann said as she slid into a booth that was free. "That was fun."

"Yeah, I guess it was," Crosshair said, sliding in beside her.

Rylann grinned up at him, poking his arm with her finger. "See? Wasn't so bad now, was it?"

Crosshair grinned. "Don't get too comfortable," Crosshair muttered, nudging his knee against hers.  "I will only dance every blue moon."

"Alright," Rylann said, moving her knee slightly so it was no longer resting against his. She averted her eyes, watching the door swing open. And she saw them. "Maker is gracious, look who it is."

It was Joseta with Rex at her side, entering the bar. She had done the impossible. Brody owed Rylann and Fives ten credits. Each.

Joseta glanced across the room, eventually meeting Rylann's gaze. The taller girl's eyes lit up. "Rylann! I didn't know you'd be here."

"Oh, yeah." Rylann shrugged. "Living life and all."

Joseta and Rex split their different ways, Joseta tapping her fingers on the booth. "Have you gotten anything to drink yet?" Joseta asked, eying the long line for the drinks that Rex just joined.

"Nope," Rylann said, leaning forward on the table. "I am having too much fun winning today. Played sabacc, darts, and danced. It's been a good day."

There was suddenly an uproar of voices and then clear, distinct laughter that rose above it all. It was Wrecker. It looked like he had just won an arm wrestling competition against two clones at once. Rylann laughed, shaking her head as she watched Hunter keep the two clones from launching at Wrecker.

Then Rylann noted that Hunter kept glancing over at their table. He grabbed Wrecker's arm, dragging him away from the mob of angry clones. Dragging Wrecker towards them.

"Lanny, I just destroyed two regs at the same time!" Wrecker exclaimed, plopping into the booth, shaking the table as he shimmied over.

"Destroyed them more than in the game," Hunter said, chuckling as he slid in beside him.

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now