44 | New Students

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22 BBY, Month 9


"What is this area used for?" a voice asked, behind Rylann, her eyes almost crossing involuntarily

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"What is this area used for?" a voice asked, behind Rylann, her eyes almost crossing involuntarily.

Sighing, she turned around to face the man, forcing on a smile. "No clue," she said for what felt like the twelfth time. "I'm about as new to this ship as you are."

"Then why are you here?" he asked, picking earwax from his ear.

Rylann clenched her teeth. "I am training to be the head of Special Forces for the GAR."

"Why are they using jedi instead of actual trained soldiers?" the guy asked, his sandy blond hair flopping around as he looked around the large room.

"Listen, pal," she said, spinning around to place a finger on his chest. A victorious look flashed across his eyes. Kriff, I played into his hands. She turned around again, trying to remind herself of what Shaak Ti had asked her to do. Lay low. Lay low. Lay low. She was doing an awful job of it. "I'm just doing what I'm told."

"That's all jedi are good for, anyway," he muttered behind her back.

Rylann was about to turn around then and there and lay her fist to his face.

"Reff, are you trying to get your butt whooped?" a girl's voice asked behind them. "You'd get schooled if you angered her enough. She's been working hard towards her skills since she was able to walk."

Rylann stopped walking, turning to glance at the owner of the voice. It was a tall, willowy young woman, with her dark hair swept up into a tight bun, though her shaggy bangs remained untucked beneath her military cap. She had a long nose that fit splendidly on her sharp, oval face. The woman's nose reminded Rylann of Crosshairs, and her skin tone was similar to Rylann's—a bronze-like shade. Rylann duly wondered if that is what her kids would look like if she and Crosshair would ever get married.

"Well?" the girl asked again, a frown growing on her lips.

The man-boy called Reff sneered. "I don't need to answer you, hypocrite."

Hurt flashed across the girl's face. "You know full well I earned my position here."

"Your mom's position earned it," Reff stated.

A taller young man made his way past the girl, his face glowering beneath his goatee. "You talk to my sister with some respect, Reff."

"Or, what, Pro'oz?" Reff asked with a scoff. "You both gonna crawl back to mummy?"

Rylann furrowed her brows. Pro'oz, she thought. That sounded familiar. She pulled out her tablet, reading through the ten different applications and resumes. Yep, she was right. The tall boy and girl were Senator Pro'oz's children. The ones who would be assigned to Skywalker and Kenobi.

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now