61 | Only For You

361 19 88

22 BBY, Month 10


Crosshair didn't know what to expect with bringing a Jedi to a bar, but he definitely thought that there should be a joke along the lines of "what happens when a Jedi walks into a bar

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Crosshair didn't know what to expect with bringing a Jedi to a bar, but he definitely thought that there should be a joke along the lines of "what happens when a Jedi walks into a bar." Rylann was wide-eyed, excited, and ready to destroy everyone in a game of sabacc. Crosshair had to tell her to stop using her powers to read people's emotions. She and Hunter had that in common.

Crosshair led her away from the table to the bar to remove her from the sixth almost brawl she'd gotten into and they were only twenty minutes into the night. The funniest part was that for someone who could read emotions, she was clueless as to why they were picking fights with her. Luckily, it was only the guests at the bar and not the clones who were getting upset with her. Crosshair liked to think that they only got mad at her because they didn't know she was a Jedi. The clones knew—Crosshair was sure of it. The looks of awe, fear, and recognition were all over their faces.

"That was fun," Rylann said, jingling the newly acquired money in her pocket as she wrapped her arms around Hunter and Wrecker who were sitting at the bar. "Drinks are on me, boys."

Hunter rose a brow at her, taking a sip of his ale. "You're a bit on the lively side," he grumbled. "I wonder what could have instigated that."

Crosshair furrowed his brows. His brother was insinuating something, but he didn't know what it could be. The only thing could be the kiss—oh. From Hunter's look between the two, he definitely knew about the two of them somehow.

But who cared? Cross didn't. Wrapping his arm around Rylann's shoulders, he shot Hunter a look. "Ryle and I are going to play darts."

Rylann's eyes lit up. "For real?" she asked like an excited kid. "I'm literally doing all the things like the holomovies."

Crosshair guided Rylann through the crowd, his heart warming at her excitement. It was contagious. "Just wait until the music starts up again."

Rylann stopped him in his tracks, a grin crossing her face. "Are you going to dance?"

Crosshair froze, eyes widening. He didn't dance. At all. "I, uh..."

"Please," she whispered, her grey eyes pleading with him.

"I don't know," was all he could say.

"Okay," she said, a bit dejected but she didn't complain.

A lump of guilt burned in his throat. The one thing she had asked him to do, he couldn't do? Well, he really couldn't dance, but still...Rylann wouldn't care, right? But everyone else would notice.

The dart board was luckily free so they were easily able to jump into it. Rylann held the dart in her hand, rolling it between her fingertips as if weighing it.

"You need help?"

"How hard could it be?" Rylann asked with a shrug. "You take this, pretend your face is the target, and then throw it."

"Wow, after all we've been through, mesh'la," Crosshair said with a smirk.

Rylann's eyes widened. "Cross," she muttered, looking around. "Not in public."

Crosshair's heart fell. "You didn't seem to mind when I had my arm around you earlier."

Her face turned a deep shade of red. "Well, I didn't notice," she replied, crossing her arms. "But you know we have to be careful."

Crosshair sighed, looking down at her face, taking in every worried line on her features. "I wish we could just elope and get it over with."

Rylann blushed deeper. "As tempting as it sounds, we have to realize that it's risky and rushing into things."

"True," Crosshair said, leaning over to whisper in her ear, "but it is tempting."

"Stop it, mister," she said, shoving him away playfully. She lifted the dart in her hand. "Need I remind you what happened to that toothpick I lodged in that doorway?"

Crosshair was brought back to that nearly forgotten memory. "Oh, yeah. You let me throw toothpicks at you for months and finally had enough."

She nodded. "I had enough of your antics."

"Don't deny it, but you love it," Crosshair said, leaning on the wall, a smirk growing on his face.

"I will neither confirm nor deny," she said, meeting his eyes softly. He wished he could kiss her then and there.

"Rylann!" a clone called out, ruining their moment. Crosshair wanted to punch him.

"Hey, Fives," Rylann greeted the clone, shaking his hand. "I see you dragged Kix and another friend into this."

"Echo and Kix love this scene," Fives said with a grin, wrapping his arms around his friends' shoulders. He looked around the room, eyes narrowing. "Where's Rex?"

Crosshair shrugged. "Do I look like your captain's keeper?"

Fives's nostrils flared as he took a step closer. "You look like you're about to—"

"Have some fun!" Kix interrupted as he clapped his hands together. "The dancing is about to start. Rylann, would you accompany me to the first dance?" He offered his arm to her.

Rylann looked over at Crosshair who just shrugged. Kix was probably a better dancer anyway. She took Kix's arm as he started for the dance floor. As Kix brushed past Crosshair, he wiggled his eyebrows at him, sending him a wink. Crosshair was confused. What the heck was that supposed to mean?

Echo and Fives started conversing before the latter waltzed up to the bar to make a call. Echo was left there, awkwardly tapping his foot to the music. "So, you're part of Clone Force 99?" Echo asked, not meeting Crosshair's eyes.

Crosshair pulled out a toothpick, shoving it into his mouth, for some reason really perturbed. "Yes." His eyes kept flickering over to Rylann and Kix on the dance floor. Her head flung back in a laugh at something Kix said, which made fire burn in his gut.

"That's cool," the reg said, clearing his throat. "So, that's the famed Commander Rylann?"

Crosshair nodded, rolling the toothpick across his tongue. "Yes."

"She's shorter than I thought she'd be," the clone paused, glancing up at Crosshair. "And you're taller than I expected."

"Yes," Crosshair said, grinding his teeth as he watched Kix spin Rylann only to pull her in.

Echo was silent for a moment, watching the dancing. "Are you going to go over there?"

"Yes," he said, swiftly standing up off the wall to saunter over to Kix on the dance floor. He tapped Kix on the shoulder, most likely a bit too rough. "Mind if I step in?" It was definitely more of a command than a request.

Kix smirked. "Of course," he said, stepping away from Rylann.

"Thanks," Crosshair said, flicking his toothpick at Kix. "Now get lost."

Kix guffawed, sending him a wink. "Best wingman, am I right?"

Crosshair was dumbfounded. Kix did all of that to get him to dance with Rylann? And Crosshair really didn't mind.

Rylann blushed as Crosshair pulled her closer as the song switched to a slower one. That was more doable. He could easily fake his way through a dance he could sway to rather than bounce around during a pop song.

"I thought you didn't dance," Rylann said, arms snaking up his shoulders.

"Only for you, Rylann," he muttered, hands settling on her back as he leaned to whisper in her ear, "only for you."

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now