20 | Old Tally

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22 BBY, Month 7


The conference room door slid open as Rylann made her way in a good twenty minutes early

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The conference room door slid open as Rylann made her way in a good twenty minutes early. She nodded to Shaak Ti who sat at one of the seats at the round table, meditating. When Rylann's eyes met good old Tallehna's, a frown fought its way onto her face. Rylann was even twenty minutes early and Tally still got there earlier. Tally, who had probably been flying for a few hours, with her golden hair plaited perfectly atop her head. With her cream-white robes perfectly starched and ironed, posture as perfect as everything else. Rylann couldn't stand her. Tally was everything Rylann could only dream to be.

Beside her a Mirialan boy sat, tapping his finger impatiently on the table. His green skin was bright with only four diamonds tattooed on his face—two on each cheek. His dark hair fell over his brows, padawan braid falling down his shoulder. Rylann self-consciously touched her own braid which should come off by the end of the year. She'd worn it for over six years and was tired of it getting in the way. Besides, she felt she grew out of it long ago.

Rylann nodded to Tally and the padawan, sitting beside Shaak Ti, on the further side from Tally. She didn't want to be any closer than she had to be. "What exactly are we doing again?" Rylann whispered to her master, crossing her arms as a chill breeze hit her shoulder. The air conditioning was way too high for this rainy planet.

Shaak Ti didn't look up, but instead slid a tablet over for Rylann to glance over. "We will be showing four battalions and legions what new clone groups we have to offer and they will choose whom they want to join their ranks."

"Interesting," Rylann said, skimming through the document regarding the rules and regulations to choose a clone. Rylann suddenly felt sick to her stomach. She felt like this was just some nerf auction to race and get the premium breeds. Rylann didn't like this at all.

As she looked over the document more, Rylann furrowed her brows. Under the section, Project Proto was the name Omega beside OC-24. Rylann turned once more to Shaak Ti. "What's Project Proto?"

"It's the clones who were directly grafted from Jango Fett's DNA," Shaak Ti stated nonchalantly. "Most clones now are grafted from DNA of the Proto-class instead of Jango. They are modified with specific enhancements, some to be used for research and others for cloning."

Rylann frowned. "I don't think I'll ever understand Kaminoans. Creating life to be killed and researched."

Shaak Ti gave her a look. "And I'm sure they'll never understand us."

The door slid open revealing Plo Koon and an entourage of two clones. One was a commanding officer and the other a captain. Rylann bit back a grin at the wolf painted on the chest of the armor.

Rylann continued reading only to be interrupted again when Kenobi entered, sitting across from her with his commander and captain. Kenobi sent her a smile as he adjusted his tablet in front of him. The clones stood behind him, stiff and collected, their yellow-accented armor looking sickly in the bright Kaminoan light. Rylann put aside the tablet, noting it was nearly time for the conference call.

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