19 | Omega

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Dedicated to Sparky_Lucius 

22 BBY, Month 7


Rylann found herself at the door of the lower level medbay, hoping to run into Kix or Omega

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Rylann found herself at the door of the lower level medbay, hoping to run into Kix or Omega. She was dreadfully bored since the Batch had already been gone over a week and her real birthday had passed. She wanted to do something. She was desperate for some entertainment and even her sports holo-casts weren't doing it for her. Besides, she couldn't stand any more training with Shaak Ti. It was a lot of repetition which only spurred on her boredom.

The door slid open revealing an empty medbay. Rylann frowned. Why was it that this medbay was always empty? Why did Kix need to "watch over" an empty medbay?

Rylann walked over to the counter against the wall, fingering the handles of some tools on a metal tray.

"Oh, it's you!" A voice called behind her, scaring the living daylight out of Rylann who ended up knocking over the tray.

Rylann cringed as the metal clattered on the floor, tools scattering to the feet of Omega. Rylann kneeled down to pick up the syringes and other various medical tools, avoiding the gaze of the girl she had been searching for. Now that they were here, Rylann didn't know what to do. She didn't plan this far ahead.

Omega knelt down beside her, helping Rylann pick up the other tools. Rylann could feel the girl's gaze on her, but Ry had a hard time looking her way. What was she to say? Hey, can you tell me about Project Conduit?

"Did you like the tree?" Omega asked, her soft accented voice echoing in the dark, empty room. Of course, the gift. That would've been a great opening.

"I loved it—love it, actually," Rylann said, setting the last of the tools onto the tray to set on the counter once more. "I've never seen something so beautiful—it reminds me of the tree in the courtyard of the Jedi Temple."

"That's on Coruscant, right?" Omega asked, drawing near to Rylann, hands clasped behind her back. "I've heard it's one of the most beautiful places in the Core Planets due to its sunset skylines."

"I wouldn't know since I've only really been on Coruscant," Rylann replied, crossing her arms as she leaned on the wall by the counter. "Shaak Ti isn't much of a traveler."

Omega tilted her head curiously as she pulled herself onto the examination bed. "Are you not from Genetia?"

"I'm from there, but I was taken from my family when I was two," Rylann explained, flushing.

"Oh," Omega said, face falling. "I had hoped to get you a gift that would remind you of home."

"Well, you did just that," Rylann said with a smile. "It does remind me of the Tree on Coruscant. The Temple Courtyard was always my place of solitude, especially at night."

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