65 | Then Do Something About It

264 16 88

22 BBY, Month 10


For how intense the evening was, Rylann rather enjoyed it

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For how intense the evening was, Rylann rather enjoyed it. She had gotten to have fun and dance with Crosshair. The only downside was waiting at the police station for Tech to be released. And they weren't doing that.

"What do you mean you can't release him," Hunter said, slamming his fist on the counter. "You literally just said that he didn't break any rules and that he had found a way around the system."

"If we let him go, it will give ideas to people to try to find ways around the system, too," the lady behind the desk said.

Rylann gritted her teeth together. She started for the lady about to use the Jedi mind trick, but Crosshair held her arm to hold her back. "I've got this, mesh'la," he said, walking past her. He leaned on the counter, narrowing his eyes at the lady. "Listen, I know you're just trying to do your job, but you're not doing a good job at it. I would hate to tell your higher-ups that you are holding someone in jail for no reason."

The lady leaned forward, her grey eyes sharply cutting into his. "I'd like to see you try."

Then Rylann had an idea. Fighting a smirk, she typed a message into her wristcomm, sending it immediately. "Oh, don't worry," she said, holding herself straighter as she hid her hands in the sleeves of her robes like Shaak Ti did. She'd prove herself to be professional. She then remembered something Master Yoda always said. "Do or do not, there is no try."

【 ⌖ 】

To be fair, Rylann was a bit shocked when both Padmé and Anakin walked into the little police station on the third level of Coruscant. She had messaged Padmé, hoping her political status could scare the officers into letting Tech out, but she was sure the infamous General Skywalker could do that, too.

"S—Senator Amidala!" the woman behind the desk said, rising to her feet to bow in respect.

"No need for that," Padmé said, cutting to the chase. "I heard you are holding an innocent civilian, which is in direct violation of Security Code #34b."

The woman visibly gulped. "I am sorry, ma'am," she sputtered out. "I was just following orders."

"Well, unfollow them then," Anakin said, scrunching his nose as he looked down at her disdainfully. "I'd hate for you to lose your job."

Wow, so subtle, Skywrecker, Rylann thought, keeping her mouth shut. She had to maintain an air of formality. She was trying to recall her talks with Crosshair on how to keep her emotions at bay. She'd pretend to be Old Tally. Old Tally wouldn't waste her time in insulting her friends even if it was in good nature. Rylann held back a sigh. Pretending to be Old Tally sucked. It was no fun, whatsoever.

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now