59 | The Reality of Losses

381 21 49

22 BBY, Month 10


Rylann sat cross-legged on her bed, her books from late-night reading surrounding her

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Rylann sat cross-legged on her bed, her books from late-night reading surrounding her. She couldn't focus on them for the anxiety of her upcoming Trials and sorta-relationship with Crosshair. Over the past couple of days, Cross had been helping her control her emotions. And it was easier than she thought it would be. She wasn't suppressing them. She was just playing a part. Crosshair always had Delta on the forefront of his mind, but Rylann chose Tally, Shaak Ti's padawan prodigy. If she pretended to be the level-headed know-it-all, Rylann should be able to get on the good side of the Council.

But that was something she'd have to practice later. Crosshair was waiting for her outside to escort her to the boys motel. Taking a deep breath, Rylann stood up, making her way to the fresher so she could start the day, but she had a feeling to look at her side table. She glanced back, watching as the datapad she stole from the Archives started glowing. Tech had returned it after he looked at it, not able to find much more in the encrypted files. But why was it glowing?

She walked over to the side table, picking the datapad up to look at the screen. Never turn your back, the screen read before it started blinking red. The hairs raised on Rylann's arms as reality set in. It was going to explode. Using the force, Rylann threw a book from her bed into the window, breaking it open and flung the datapad outside. Almost immediately as it left the premises, the datapad exploded, sending shrapnel everywhere. Rylann ducked behind her bed, cursing to herself at her negligence. How could she assume that Death Watch would just be okay with her having their file? And if they knew where it was when she stole it, they knew where it was now.

Chills ran up her spine. Did it have cameras or a microphone? Surely Tech would have noticed if it did. Did they know about her secrets? Know about her weaknesses and strengths? Even in her own room she wasn't safe.

The door flew open as Shaak Ti entered, saber drawn with Crosshair at her side. The sight of her two most trusted friends made Rylann burst into tears. She almost died. Again.

Shaak Ti clipped her saber to her belt, rushing to Rylann's side to embrace the shaking girl. "Shh, it's all going to be okay," her master said. "You are alright."

"The datapad," Rylann said, sniffing as her eyes veered to the window. "It told me to never turn my back and almost exploded in my face."

"But you thought quickly and saved yourself," Shaak Ti said, gesturing to Crosshair. "Can you check the room for anything else?"

Crosshair grunted, bidding the Jedi's request. Shaak Ti pulled Rylann in closer. "We will move you to a safer place while we await your Trials," she said, sighing. "Though I personally think you've been through enough and don't need to take them. You've proved yourself over and over."

Rylann smiled grimly, pulling away from the embrace to look at her master. "Thank you."

"Now, we must discuss what to do about the file." Shaak Ti looked down. "I will start a meeting with the council immediately."

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now