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22 BBY, Month 10

Shaak Ti

The dream haunted Shaak Ti all morning

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The dream haunted Shaak Ti all morning. She had tried to go back to sleep, but she couldn't. Not with Marssa on her mind. She remembered helping the younger Kenobi make the hilt all those years ago. And now she dreamed of where she was? Some backwater planet living by herself. Part of her wanted to go find her and uncover the mystery, but Shaak Ti also knew that if Marssa wanted to be found, she'd make it happen. But did Marssa know about Wynn? From what Shaak Ti could gather was that for some reason Death Watch teamed up with some cloners and made a hybrid clone between Pre Viszla and Marssa. Why? How? What purpose would that be? And why would they just leave her in Mandalore's capital to be found by the Jedi? Was it a mistake?

There were so many more questions as the mystery unfolded and Shaak Ti just wanted the truth. Maybe Obi-Wan could help her. She picked up her commlink, about to dial his number when she had an incoming call. An incoming call from the man himself. Her heart fluttered at the coincidence before she answered immediately.

"Obi-Wan, I was just about to call you," she said, but noted the serious look on his face. "What is the matter?"

"You have an intruder in your room," he said, beckoning someone forward. It was Giggles. The clone limped over, hand on his gut.

"Giggles, what is going on?" Shaak Ti asked, furrowing her brows. "Did they already release you?"

"They wanted to release me permanently," Giggles said, throat bobbing as he struggled to remain calm. "Decommission me."

Shaak Ti's heart stopped. The Kaminoans told her that he'd be fine in no time. "That can't be right."

"It is," a small voice said over the call. A young girl came into view. She wore a Kaminoan headdress and Shaak Ti recognized her as the young clone that Rylann had met. One that was somehow connected to Project Conduit. "I looked at their files and he is on the list for termination. They left and I found him trying to escape so the only place I could safely take him was to you. I'm Rylann's friend, Omega, and I knew she'd never allow anyone to hurt her friends."

"That is very true," Shaak Ti said, trying to wrap her mind around the situation. The Kaminoans didn't think Giggles would fully heal from his gunshot wound to the stomach and so they were going to terminate him?

Giggles' jaw clenched. "I know I'm still a Shiny, but I still did a lot for them and they just want to throw me out and reuse my parts like a clanker?" He shook his head, tears brimming his eyes. "It's wrong."

"It is wrong," Shaak Ti said, thinking of what to do. "I will talk to them."

"Please don't," Giggles said, gulping. "Even if they listen to you, I couldn't bear to look at them knowing that they'd rather see me dead."

Shaak Ti thought for a moment. "Do they know you are still alive?"

Omega shook her head. "I removed all of his files from the servers."

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