53 | Answers, But Not Really

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22 BBY, Month 9


The next day, Rylann woke in her room at the Jedi Temple wondering if everything that had transpired before was a dream

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The next day, Rylann woke in her room at the Jedi Temple wondering if everything that had transpired before was a dream. She leaned on her arms as grogginess clouded her mind. Images of the Death Watcher, Kenobi, Shaak Ti, and Cross filled her mind. The kiss entered her thoughts only for her to push it out. Kicking off her blankets, she stumbled across the room into the fresher to get ready for the day.

She brushed her growing hair, pulling it over her shoulder to braid but paused. Her eyes darted to the curling iron she hadn't used since she was a young padawan, fresh to the training. Back when she cared for the cause a lot more. And now she did. Whatever it took to end this war so that Cross could be safe. And she wanted to look good for him.

She held the iron in her hands, looking between it and her reflection in the mirror before making a decision to curl her hair for the first time in probably five or six years.

After curling, she pulled the top half of her hair into a bun, leaving the bottom half curling down her back in waves. Rylann let out a long sigh, thanking the Maker she was done. Her long, thick hair took way too long to curl. Let's do that every blue moon, Rylann thought dryly, glaring at the iron that had burned three of her fingers along with the tip of her ear.

Rylann finished getting ready before making it out of her room to find Hunter waiting. He coughed as she approached. He eyes her hair, clearing his throat. "You going somewhere?"

"No, why?" Rylann asked, crossing her arms over her chest, heat rising to her cheeks.

Hunter shrugged, readjusting his headband. "I don't think you've ever curled your hair before. And you are wearing a lot more perfume than usual." His nose twitched at the last statement.

Rylann had forgotten he had overwhelmed senses. "Sorry, Hunter. Do you need me to be less trigger happy with the citrus?"

"Please," he said, taking a step back as they started walking down the hall.

Rylann's mind pondered last night, the almost dying, the kiss—it had to be real right? Or maybe after waking up from the drugs she had been imagining things. Maybe her time with Cross was a fever dream.

"You good? Your heart rate just picked up," Hunter asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Rylann nodded, gulping. "Yeah, just recounting the details of yesterday." The romantic details.

Hunter nodded as if understanding. "Remembering things like that can be scary." He must be thinking that she was mulling on almost dying. He paused, thinking over something. "Speaking of the crazy who tried to kill you, Tech stayed up all night trying to hack into the document."

Rylann's interest piqued. "You mean the clone lifespan or—"

"Conduit," Hunter stated, looking on ahead as they exited the temple. "I don't know about the lifespan thing."

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now