67 | Undercover Investigating

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21 BBY, Month 8

21 BBY, Month 8

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Eight months. Eight months of battle after battle after battle with little to no rest. The war was at its height and Rylann was getting sick of it. Too many missions, too many close calls, and not enough sleep. The only upside was that she at least got the bragging rights of seventeen successful missions with no failures. She got to fight beside her best friends and see them grow into the best clone force around. And she got to hang out with her boyfriend.

Rylann glanced over at Crosshair who was wearing a tuxedo that Hunter had to knock him out to force him into. Crosshair said "over my dead body," and over his limp body was as close as they could come. Rylann thought he looked great, but she technically always thought he looked great. Cross in a tux was a once in a lifetime opportunity to witness and Rylann was definitely never gonna let him live it down.

"I hate undercover missions," Crosshair seethed, leaning on the table as he passed her a champagne. She hated champagne. But fancy folk liked it, didn't they? What better way to fit in than to choke down bubbling alcohol. Don't give into peer pressure kids. It's not worth it.

Trying not to gag, Rylann, pretending to laugh at something he said. "If you don't like undercover missions, get a tattoo like Hunter." The half skull was hard to hide and stood out like a sore thumb.

Crosshair looked her in the eye. "Watch me get one."

"On your face, too?" Rylann asked, raising a brow. "Hunter was just emo after losing contact with Josie and did something crazy. Are you in your emo phase, too?"

"I am always in my emo phase, hon," Crosshair retorted, sending her a wink. His face sobered, a genuine smile crossing his lips. "You look beautiful by the way."

Rylann smiled, reaching for his hand across the table. His fingers greeted hers as they intermingled together. They could finally fit in and be normal for one second. Not wondering if a Jedi or superior was looking over their shoulder. She could just love him.

"Alright, let's not get too sappy," Hunter's gruff voice muttered through the comms. Oh yeah, she forgot he was watching from the roof. The outdoor pavilion of the lounge just got a lot smaller. So much for not being watched.

"You're just jealous," Crosshair said, walking around the table to slide his arm around Rylann's waist. "My love, let's dance."

Rylann blushed, still not used to dancing with the clone. He was slowly getting out of his shell, but they couldn't go dancing very often since Coruscant was a rare stop on their radar.

"Let's not forget why we're here," Hunter said, clearing his throat. "We need to see who Kli Pressler is dealing with."

"This is why we are dancing," Crosshair sighed. "To get closer to Mr. Pressler." He winked at her mouthing "not really."

Rylann smiled at her boyfriend. She had been dating him for almost nine months now and she was falling more and more in love with him every day. Every moment spent with him was tearing down more of his wall he put up. Over the past eight months she hadn't been able to spend much alone time with him, but Cross's brothers did their best to give them a little space on the ship so they could just be. Well, Wrecker liked to peek in at them cuddling by the crates and take pics for Tech's ever growing photo album.

【miss the mark】| Crosshair x OC (BOOK 1 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now