Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


    "Xixi!" Meng Lu was in a hurry, and quickly ran two steps to catch up with her, "Youxi! Wait for me!"

    "What's the matter?" Youxi stopped.

    "I haven't seen you these days, are you still angry with me?"

    You Xi really doesn't like this kind of oblique way of speaking: "I'm asking you, what's the matter with me?"

    Meng Lu Seeing that she didn't speak for a while, her attention was attracted by the clothes on the other party's body. The black down jacket just reached her thighs, which looked light and soft, and there was a furry cap behind the collar, which was absolutely relaxed.

    There is no winter in Island L, and naturally there are no materials with strong protection against the cold, such as down jackets. The rescue team distributes warm clothes such as blankets and fleeces. It is impossible for one person to distribute several fleece coats.

    Most of the survivors who stayed in the Wanghaishan Hotel when the tsunami came kept the warm clothes they wore from their own country. Such down jackets are not very valuable.

    Meng Lu remembered that she also had a similar lightweight down jacket in her suitcase, because it happened to be winter in Jingguo when they left. Disgusted, I miss that dress so much now.

    It's obvious that a tour group came out to play, why is Youxi so lucky? Suddenly, a strange idea popped up in Meng Lu's heart, which was absurd and nonsensical.

    Meng Lu was shocked, and asked directly: "Did you know that there would be a tsunami?"

    "What are you talking about?" You Xi's expression did not change at all.

    Meng Lu looked at Youxi, who had doubts and puzzlement in his eyes, but he was not guilty or flustered.

    Yes, how could such a thing be possible?

    She remembered her reason for calling You Xi to stop, and suppressed the anger and absurd thoughts in her heart caused by the other party's indifferent attitude: "You have also seen what happened just now, Fang Zichen is a big scumbag with a central air conditioner, I don't want to I live with these two people again. Do you live in Shanbei? I heard that there are all homestays there. Although the conditions are not as good as here, many rooms are empty. I want to live with you." "This is you.

    " You don’t need to discuss things with me.”

    “Youxi! Why are you like this…”

    Her raised voice was suppressed again, and her tone became softer, “Xixi, we are friends, and we need each other even more in times of crisis. Take care, you have to spend your own money to live in a homestay, and you know all my belongings were lost in the tsunami. I just want to ask you to borrow some money, or I can share a room with you. And..." she

    said Then, she approached her and lowered her voice, "I have a lot of food and drink here, and I can take everything away..." Meng Lu couldn't understand what she said. She has

    no money, but wants to live in a hotel area Go, so I need Youxi's help, but she is not asking her to help in vain, she can contribute supplies, and is going to take away the supplies of the three people.

    Anyway, Fang Zichen took someone to the opposite side, and there was no one in the room.

    "If you have a lot of supplies, it's very easy to live in a B & B area. Now some places there don't charge money, and you can use supplies instead of room fees."

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