Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

    Everyone was trembling for two days, but fortunately the earthquake did not come again, and it felt like it should be completely over.

    Regarding the impact of the earthquake, in the first few days there were various news and topics on the Internet about the status quo of the island country and rescue. But after a few more days, no one paid attention to even such news and topics.

    Netizens always like the new and dislike the old. No matter how explosive a piece of news is when it appears, once time passes, most people will no longer care about it.

    Even in the following month, several earthquakes of different sizes occurred one after another around the world, but similar disasters occur every year, and not many people pay attention to them.

    After Youxi's parents stayed with her for two nights, they returned to their high-rise apartment.

    They bought this apartment just over two years ago. It has a staggered floor height of more than five meters. The ground floor area is more than one hundred.

    The entire south-facing wall of the apartment is floor-to-ceiling glass, from the top to the ground.

    The southwest corner of the split-level space on the left is an open study room, facing south is floor-to-ceiling glass, facing west is a glass fence that communicates with the living room space on the lower floor, and the lighting is very good; the rest of the split-level space separates two bedrooms, Youxi's parents live in a sunny room on the southeast side, and the other bedroom on the northeast side is Youxi's room.

    This newly purchased high-rise apartment is not only large in size and well-lit, but also decorated in a light-colored fashion and low-luxury style. It is not like some elderly people who like to get some mahogany furniture, and the decoration is calm and dark.

    Because when it was first renovated, Fan Qi came here according to You Xi's preferences.

    She just didn't expect her daughter to be so powerful. She won a prize in a painting competition more than a year ago and got a lot of money. With her previous savings, she bought a small split-level house and moved out independently. up.

    Every time she talks about this with her friends and sisters, she is always proud and reluctant.

    After her parents went back, Youxi resumed her daily life of self-defense, physical training, painting to make money, and stockpiling takeout.

    Because she stocked up a lot of hard food such as rice, oil, instant noodles, compressed biscuits, vacuum cans, etc. on L Island and later in Huacheng for more than two months, so the supplies she lacks now are fresh vegetables, all kinds of meat, Foods that are not easy to store such as fruits, milk, and eggs.

    Of course, the word "lack" here is only relative to the storage of hard food, because these latter foods were rarely available in the last apocalyptic world, but she had to consume them every day, and it was formed by increasing and decreasing. In addition to the gap, there are actually a lot of these fresh ingredients in the Star House warehouse.

    After she came back, after counting the takeaways and fresh ingredients left over from the Star House warehouse last time, she focused on hoarding these things.

    Because she didn't have to go to the supermarket every day, and she didn't have to go to many places in a day, so she didn't rent a car this time, but discussed with her father to borrow his old car that had been driven for five years.

    She first found an excuse to put a one-way film on the car, then cleaned up the trunk and started shopping.

    Every three days or so, she goes to the supermarket, and each time she goes to a different type of supermarket.

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