Chapter 59

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Chapter 59 The World Mission Delivered

    The next day, the local morning news and popular local search posts were all about the escape of wolves at the suburban zoo last night.

    There is a large wild animal park on the outskirts of City S. Tourists can drive into the park to visit and play. It is not only large, but also has many areas and rich animal species. Among them, the vegetation, stones and trees in the area where the wolves are located restore the wild environment of nature to the greatest extent, and wolves are also raised in this area.

    Of course, the entire wolf area is surrounded by tall iron fences. Not only that, there is a wide and deep ditch between the wolf area and the iron fence to ensure that the wolves can be safely enclosed in the wolf area.     But it was such a wolf area that seemed to be absolutely safe. In the middle of the night last night, two wolves escaped. According to the interviewed reporter, as of press time, the wildlife park has not responded to why the wolves can collectively leave the wolf area.     According to the keeper of the wolf area, they were also very puzzled, because they did not find any damaged areas, and did not know which passage the two wolves followed to leave the wolf area and even the zoo, and they were not caught by the camera. photographed.     The staff on duty at the zoo did not realize that something serious happened until the wolf escaped and howled away.     He urgently asked his superiors for help, dispatched a professional wild animal capture vehicle, and spent half the night near the outskirts of the city before catching the wolf back.     Fortunately, the incident happened in the middle of the night, and the safari park is located in the outskirts of the city with few people. The nearby houses are all newly built empty buildings, and no one has lived in them yet, so no casualties were caused.     It was only when the breeders in other exhibition areas in the zoo checked the animals the next day that they found that many rabbits in the cute pet animal area had been bitten to death, probably by wolves that escaped in the middle of the night when they passed by.     There have been news on the Internet about tourists being killed by lions in safari parks before, but compared to the last time, it is obviously more terrifying this time. After all, the wolves are all on the street, if the zoo is not far from the city, they may bite or even kill passers-by at any time.     People left messages on the Internet one after another. People who lived near the outskirts of the city said that they heard wolves howling last night and thought it was an auditory hallucination. How could it be possible?

    Many people also said that it was no wonder that their dog suddenly barked in the middle of the night, and it was so weird that it made people get goosebumps. No matter how much they trained them, it was useless, and it was so noisy that they couldn't sleep at all.

    Dogs have better hearing than humans, and it must be because they hear wolves howling.


    Youxi didn't sleep well in the middle of the night, after watching the news in the morning, she dragged Fan Qi out to the shooting club.

    Her membership card here has not been used up yet, and it just so happens that starting today, she will bring Fan Qi to practice for two hours every day. Fan Qi was baffled at first, even if the wolf escaped from the zoo, what does that have to do with her?

    My daughter must be stunned, even if she has practiced the snatching method accurately, even if she faces a wild animal that escaped from which zoo next time she encounters a wild animal on the road, what will she use to deal with it?

    Water rush? Biubiubiu?

    Complaints belong to complainers, but shooting is really interesting. After two rounds of shooting, Fan Qi became addicted. She didn't need Youxi to urge her, she just stood there and continued practicing.

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