Chapter 64

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Chapter 64 Chaos

    Several meteorites in succession caused the people in Ruhr town to panic.

    Although the town is not big, the occupancy rate is quite high. Many people know that tonight there will be the most spectacular meteor shower in recent years. Even if it is later announced that the meteor shower has turned into a meteor storm, it will not stop the enthusiasm of the people for stargazing.

    There are no high-rise buildings and neon lights in the small town of Ruhr. It was originally a good place for stargazing at night. This time, even if they are not the best stargazing spot for this meteor shower, many people still plan to go to someone’s terrace at night. Watch while drinking beer and chatting.

    And these meteorites are like a wake-up call, ringing heavily in everyone's heart.

    The peaceful town suddenly became chaotic.

    Some people put down their half-busy work and immediately turned around to go home, some people urgently called their relatives, and some people rushed into the nearest coffee shop or restaurant and asked to be tuned to the news channel.

    On the TV screen, the latest news about meteorites is being broadcast, and the news has been broadcast for a while.

    Except for a few meteorites just approaching the town of Ruhr, in the previous hour, there were falling meteorites in the central and southern regions.

    Meteorites vary in size, and some are similar to stones. They fell on a parasol in a cafe, directly destroying the parasols, tables and chairs around it.

    Some were the size of a fist, and when they fell, they hit tall buildings, punched holes in the walls, and directly blew up the entire office...

    There was also a meteorite with a diameter of about half a meter—the largest of all the meteorites this time. Falling in the forest between the center and the north, burning flames and bursting debris destroyed the entire forest.

    Fortunately, it was in no man's land, and there were no casualties for the time being.


    So far, the meteorite that caused the most casualties landed in L City.

    A meteorite with a diameter of about 30 centimeters hit the viaduct, blowing up a number of cars and the deck of the viaduct on the spot, causing a large-scale collapse of the bridge deck, and the collapsed cement stones pressed the cars under the bridge, causing heavy casualties... …

    After that, the camera played the picture of the viaduct taken from the helicopter. A section of the bridge deck that was hit was completely destroyed. There was a huge black and red hole in the middle, and there was still burning black smoke. The car behind braked suddenly. Caused subsequent rear-end collision accidents of more than a dozen vehicles.

    But in this accident, the rear-end collision was already considered lucky. The cars that encountered the impact of the meteorite did not survive without exception... The

    entire M country was attacked by more than a dozen meteorites in this hour. are concentrated in the Midwest.

    Generally speaking, the number of meteorites that fell was not many, and most cities and towns in the central region were safe and sound, because seven or eight meteorites landed in no-man's land.

    Although the meteorite has temporarily stopped falling, the relevant departments have urgently called on the public to evacuate, because according to the monitoring and the forecast of experts, the meteor storm at 9:00 pm is likely to turn into a meteorite rain. Tools were out of service, and passengers chose to evacuate on the spot.

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