Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

    After discussing the plan, the group took the supplies they got from the supermarket at the intersection, and carefully turned onto the main road.

    However, they hadn't walked for long before they were startled by the crowd of zombies at the subway entrance 200 meters away. It seemed that there were twenty or thirty zombies. With their current weapons and force, it was impossible to guarantee their escape .

    Gao Yun and Brother Long exchanged glances several times, and finally chose to retreat.

    They are poorly equipped, the strongest weapon is the ax in Longge's hand, others are messy metal sticks tied to knives, baseball bats, crowbars, and kitchen knives... and except for Longo, everyone else is It was the first time I left the community to face the zombies, and it took almost two people to deal with one zombie, which was impossible.

    A group of people stepped lightly and retreated in fear.

    I don't know if it was unlucky. On the way back, they encountered a small wave of zombies, about seven or eight. They should have been hiding in an alley, and they were drawn out when they heard the movement here.

    Everyone was carrying things in their hands, coupled with the physical exertion, and the fear that the zombies on the main road would not dare to make too much noise, it was more difficult to fight than before.

    Fortunately, no one was injured and returned to the community without any danger.

    When everyone returned to the community, they were all covered in stench. However, before they put down the supplies they had found and had a good rest, the worried residents in the community had come out of the building one by one, waiting for them to distribute food up.

    You Xi also came out of the unit building, not for food, but to ask Chen Ya and the others about the situation outside.

    This trip was not smooth, and there were not many things found, Brother Long and the others felt unhappy.

    "Are you really going to distribute the food to them?" He pulled Gao Yun aside, wanting to talk to him about it.

    Because he admired Gao Yun's personality and knew that he was very skilled and calm in situations, many people in the community were willing to follow him, so he always wanted to make him a teammate.

    The apocalypse has just begun, and Brother Long knows that he suffers from the number of people, so he really wants to expand the team as soon as possible.

    "It was agreed before that there are no young and middle-aged people in the family, and those who are over 50 years old will distribute it." Gao Yun understood what he wanted to say.

    "The community can only be guarded for a while. It is impossible for everyone to stay here all the time. Do you plan to take these people with you when you flee in the future?" "

    If you can get a bus." Gao Yun frowned, "Or the bus also Yes."

    "Aren't you, brother Gao Yun? Listen to your brother Long's persuasion, the world has changed, you can't bear it, I understand that you want to help them and save people. But your strength alone is limited, you can't save everyone

    Those brothers who believe in you and are willing to go out with you to fight are the ones you really need to help."

    Gao Yun didn't say anything, and Brother Long felt that it was rare for him to say something with his heart and soul to someone, but the other party didn't appreciate it, and he felt very dissatisfied . Refreshingly, but when he turned his head, he saw that there were still people in the food receiving line who were dissatisfied and questioning, and suddenly became angry.

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