Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 Extreme Cold and Low Temperature


    Half an hour later, with the assistance of each other, they boarded the helicopter hovering above one by one using rescue baskets.

    The other party was also very surprised by their appearance. The water on the coast has not receded since the tsunami hit. Ten days ago, the temperature began to drop sharply. Heavy rain, hail, and snowstorm came one after another, and the cooling was far faster than that of Island L.

    The seawater that has not receded gradually froze into ice, and all the residents in the coastal areas have already evacuated inland. They did not expect to see people on the ice today.

    Following the narration, what surprised the other party was that they actually came back from Island L in the sea in a speedboat! Not only did they bring food and water supplies, but there was also a three-year-old boy in the team, who actually returned to the capital safely all the way, which is really surprising!

    Although Seaman didn't understand, he could read the surprise from the other person's expression. He glanced at You Xi secretly, and when it came to surprise, the flamethrower she used to break the ice just now surprised him the most. .

    But for this injector, everyone had a tacit understanding and didn't ask.

    Just now when the helicopter flew close to prepare for the rescue, Lin Wu specifically told him in a low voice not to mention how their speedboat broke through the ice floes and reached the fixed ice layer. That's fine.

    Seaman felt that Lin Wu underestimated himself a little bit. No matter how stupid he was, he knew that he couldn’t just talk about it. What’s more, he was not stupid. Youxi owns such high-tech items, so his identity should be very secret and special (?), of course he doesn’t Will talk nonsense.

    After Lin Wu and Yuan Ning finished talking about the situation of their team, they began to explain the current situation of Island L in Haiguo. There are still many tourists from Jingguo trapped on L Island, and they are anxiously waiting for external rescue.

    "After the submarine earthquake and submarine volcanic eruption, the tsunami destroyed all coastal ships, civilian aircraft are currently grounded, and now the surrounding cities are working overtime to manufacture icebreakers. In addition to the sea country, we also have many people trapped abroad, don't worry , we will try our best to rescue all the survivors. When we arrive at the temporary resettlement area in a while, you send two people over to explain the situation in Haiguo in detail.”

    While Lin Wu and Yuan Ning were explaining the various situations, Youxi sat quietly in the corner, taking out snacks for Yuanyuan to eat, and when the helicopter flew to the temporary resettlement area for the people, it was also the time for her to leave the group and travel alone.

    The helicopter flew for more than half an hour, flying all the way over the ice where the wreckage of the ship was frozen and a deserted coastal city.

    All the coastal buildings in this city were washed away, and some of the buildings left by luck are now submerged by floods and condensed into ice. The whole city is empty and dead, with no trace of life in sight.

    The few people on the plane looked at the abandoned buildings below with a heavy heart. It was not until the helicopter flew over the city and landed slowly in the mountainous area where the resettlement area was located that they gradually recovered.

    "This is the East Zone. You go to the exit to register first. After registration, send two people to the central area. The rescue command office in the resettlement area is there. In terms of traffic, all flights have been suspended. If you want to go home, you can take the train. Specifically You can go to the inquiry station next to the registration office to check the situation."

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