Meet Emery Blackwell

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Emery's pov

The soccer ball is my favourite object to play with. Yeah, a soccer ball. The thing is, I don't just use it for fun. I am pretty damn serious when it comes to soccer.

I'm not just a girl who plays soccer, nah, I play for the best team in our school. Not only that, I'm their best player, an offensive player too.

In only my sophomore year, I'm already the best.

I might be the best but for some reason, my name isn't all too popular. Because maybe I'm not a jock? Eh, the name's Emery Blackwell. Yes, my name is that and as I said I'm the best soccer player who is actually smart. Yeah, I'm just kidding. I'm just moody and sarcastic all the time. I've heard of it too many times from my teammates.

Speaking of them, it's not hard to be the best when the other girls aren't that good either.

Ok, our school is just lucky to have a soccer team for girls. They pride in that. For instance, there's no basketball team for girls. Yeah, no just the basketball team for guys. They aren't even that good! Ok, except Maverick Campbell their captain but that's beside the point!

Even if I enjoy being on the field running with the ball, sometimes being the best player is hard. Yeah, it can actually be hard. The pressure to be the best all the time is not cool at all.

We might be in 2023 but soccer players still get heavily pressured to always be the best no matter what. Even more so girls. Still to this day, some don't believe girls can compete in soccer or whatever.

Because of that, this year I don't want anything more but to win the championships. I want to prove those haters wrong with my team. Though, that's adding more pressure on myself.

Ugh, enough with the pressure stuff. I need to chill a bit.

Classes have yet to start too so I better go chill. Chilling is easy but not the way I do it.

You see, I'm hiding a secret. I actually smoke. It's illegal to do so as a soccer player, at least for my team the Spirits.

I started smoking a few months ago and realized that it helps me to relax a lot.

Through, as I don't want to get caught, I go to a secret place close to the school and ask to smoke with someone else. Who's that person? Oh, well I'm going to see them now.

I leave my locker and ignore the attention on me. I even ignore Maykayla's stare at me. She's been annoying me since yesterday and ugh, just thinking about it pisses me off.

I get outside and walk in the direction of my secret place. It's not at school as smoking is illegal there.

I step out of the schoolyard and walk a bit till I see the one with my smokes behind a tree.

Ugh, I don't even like that person but I have to go either way. Or else I can't smoke.

I arrive and see them. They smile. Ugh, jerk.

"Hey, took you some time to come here."

"How'd you know I'd come here?" I say annoyed.

"Oh, come on, we both know you come every morning to escape your reality." He smiles as he takes a drag of his cigarette.

"Ethan, stop talking about that and give me a cig," I say annoyed.

"Chill out girl. You gotta relax. It's not even 9. Who's got you in such a sour mood?" He says nonchalantly.

"Ethan..." I glare and give a death stare.

"Ok, ok, here's your cig."

He takes out a cigarette from his pack as he takes a drag of his own. Then, he hands it to me.

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